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Jesse Brower

Old version of removed Jesse Brower

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Affiliation: Children of Gaia
Age: 24
Type: Kinfolk
Occupation: Eco-Activist

Character Description: Jesse stands at 5'11" and weighs 177 lbs. He has long straight Dirty Blonde hair that comes down to his chin and grey eyes. His face is clean shaven and he looks to be 23 years old. You might say he looks cute if not handsome. Jesse has a natural athletic build to him and has a confident, yet smooth gliding walk to him like a dancer would have. Jesse also has this caring look to him and in his blue eyes and has a warm and friendly smile to him.

His outfit consists of an Olive Tahoe Pullover that is made from recycled fibers, with 2 side pockets and a drawstring hood worn over A white cotton tank top. A pair of semi-baggy stonewash denim blue jeans that are held up by a braided fiber belt. On his feet are a pair of brown birkenstock arizona birko clogs (they are made from Organic Fiber). On his left hand is several different bracelets and on his right hand is a hand-braided hemp bracelet and on his left foot is a hemp ankle bracelet. On his neck is a hand braided hemp necklace with a blown glass pendant.

Other times he wears a blue & gray hooded bajah that is made from recycled fibers, and features a kangaroo pouch and hooded drawstring instead of the olive tahoe pullover. Also he might change bracelets and necklaces, for example a hemp & bamboo bead necklace or hemp and glass bead bracelet or wear his mirror blue lensed John Lennon style sunglasses or a pair of Eco-Dragon organic hemp sandals or canvas one stars on his feet.

Character Bio: Jesse Bohlen grew up in with his 3 siblings in Providence, Rhode Island. The Bohlens's were a fairly well off family and quite aware of their Kin relations to the Children of Gaia Tribe of Garou. Indeed, they were proud of their heritage. His grandparents were beatniks of the 40's, and his parents were children of the 60's and 70's.

And because of this, Jesse has always had a deep love for the natural world. Even as a child he liked to walk in the woods and camp. He was also instilled with a strong sense of right and wrong, and of conservation of the wilderness.

Because of his families ties to the children, Jesse and his siblings also got politically involved at a young age, joining protests against the destruction of the rain-forest, the poisoning of the earth and the extinction of so many species among other things, often traveling the world to do so. It awakened him to a totally different way of living, in harmony with the planet rather than as just another parasite slowly killing it.

His Eco-activisim also brought him into contact with a lot of neo-pagans, though not all of his connections were necessarily spiritual, however. Some of his friends were pretty radical, and although he for the most part is against using violence to get his message across, he has spiked his share of old growth trees and done some monkey wrenching in his time.

His parents and grandparents own and operate a store that sells eco friendly clothing and also a health food store and bistro in New York. Jesse was not old enough to have been in stuff like Woodstock or the Greenpeace movement of the 70's and early 80's but what he is old enough to have taken part in is the Occupy Movement.

The Occupy movement is the international branch of the Occupy Wall Street movement that protests against social and economic inequality around the world, its primary goal being to make the economic and political relations in all societies less vertically hierarchical and more flatly distributed. Local groups often have different focuses, but among the movement's prime concerns deal with how large corporations and the global financial system control the world in a way that disproportionately benefits a minority, undermines democracy, and is unstable.

Jesse moved to New York to attend college there to finish his environmental studies degree and to also explore the music scene there. He also among his activism has helped various Children of Gaia with various protests and other things that they need help with , using direct action, lobbying, and research to achieve their goals with such issues ranging from issues climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues.