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Old version of Comedy
Age: 22
Type: Mage
Occupation: Underworld Figure/Vigilante
NPC Dot Rating: 4

Extra Fields

Sphere Expertise/Willing to Teach: Correspondence, Mind, Everything is Chaos, It's All Good - Just Have Faith, Mystical

Name: Comedy

Sect: Sahajiya (Dissonance Society)

Faction: Union Underground/Traditions

Apparent Age: 22

Demeanor: Sensualist

Role in NYC: Dark Prince of Christopher Street

Vital Information

The Sahajiya partisan known only as Comedy is a circumspect force in Awakened politics, but not a minor one. He, according to rumor, Awakened at university upstate, during an off-campus orgy celebrating fertility and bliss, and venerating the gods of India and Africa. Whatever happened that night changed him, and whether for better or worse is largely open to interpretation. He abandoned academia, and went underground, working for political causes and playing in the underworld, leaving strings of satisfied partners of all persuasions in his wake, with Trad and Disparate alike. There are even rumors he seduced Agent Finch.

After the Event, he has started to move into darker places, going from the Ascension War and LGBT rights to a general combat against corruption and complacency. His followers in the Dissonants (not the whole faction in NYC, but more than makes many comfortable) occasionally do rather shocking things, sometimes without apparent rhyme or reason.

Magically, he relies on crazy wisdom, tantric intercourse, poetry, bloodletting and psychedelics, and is one of the great practitioners of Correspondence and Mind left on this side of the Horizon. It is very, very rare to meet him bodily, his nickname stemming from the signature smiling masks that he and his acolytes wear, allowing them to share sensation and communicate across great distances. Given consent, they can even ‘borrow’ each others’ bodies.

He is not above tactics and strategies that are morally ambiguous at best, if it means holding back the Nephandi and defeating the horrors looming over the city. So far, he abides by the decision to join the Awakened Coalition defending New York, but it’s anyone’s guess what he will do next.

His acolytes will not be named here, but each one has a specific skillset that benefits a less than legal enterprise, and all of them have strong libidos and a frightening sense of justice.


For the fortunate or unfortunate who truly meets Comedy, the first thing one notices is the mask, white and gold contrasting with his rich, dark skin, his eyes shining amber and compelling behind it. He has good taste in suits, and the lapel pin in the shape of the Ecstatic lily is never far from his person (it is, of course, a Bafflejack Wonder of considerable sophistication). He shaves his head, more for convenience than anything else. His voice is thrumming and rich, educated and tinted with a Bangladeshi accent, likely from time spent abroad.

If one has occasion to see his body (and he is very charming and open to exploring intimacies with someone he trusts enough to meet face to mask), the tattoos and scars of his practice are patterned in a deliberate and pleasing way, though a few old wounds are certainly not intentional and suggest that he has lost a few battles. Not many people have seen him without the mask, and he keeps it that way. Blindfolds tend to be involved.

He also usually carries a Wonder briefcase, marked with symbols of Brahma and Ptah, which often contains an arsenal of equipment for swiftly deployed violence, but, on a good day, may be loaded down with fine drink and peculiar incense, drugs and a collection of fine music.