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WtA: Garou: Glass Walker: Jackson Bosch

WtA: Alias: Antivirus
Old version of Jackson Bosch

Theurge of the Glasswalkers

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Jackson “Antivirus” Bosch

Fostern Theurge


Age: 20, Age of First Change: 14

Report File:

Jackson Bosch, was born to Kinfolk Madaline Bosch of the glasswalker tribe in the year 2000 when Madaline was 16 years old. Father a Garou of the Glasswalkers (Name redacted) from file. Jackson was found to be a trueborn. Born under the theurges moon. Madeleine's father, a homicide detective in Las Vegas, had sent Madaline a good portion of money to help her handle the pains of being a single mother. As Jackson grew he was seen as a curious child, taking apart toys and putting them back together, playing and enjoying science kits sent to him by his grandfather via care packages. At the age of five Madaline caught Jackson on her laptop computer. Transfixed by it. He wasn’t doing anything bad, he was using the paint program drawing spiders or so the five year called it.

Raised alongside other cubs of the glasswalker tribe but home schooled in academics by his mother. Jackson was taught all sorts of things. Mostly what it was like in Garou society. A galliard of the tribe would teach the children the Litany in form of stories. Jackson was paired with a group of cubs his own age together they would grow and learn with each other the life of the Garou. But the growing Bosch boy was more interested in computers and would find any and all excuses to work on, build, learn and break into computers.

As he grew older he had a friend make a fake ID so he could sneak off and take the A+ Certification tests both parts one and two. After he successfully got the A+ he began studying Security Plus.

With the A+ in hand Jackson with the help of some like minded kinfolk would help out at a youth community center would repair computers and teach basics. All the while working with other not yet changed Garou working on tribal stuff and learning more and intricate aspects about their given auspices.

The first 48 hours.

June 16th 2014, New York City. Jackson was on the streets with a group of his friends and they turned into an alley, a short cut to a youth center where they would work on computers for local kids and study for various Computer certifications while not doing normal school work. (Jackson being homeschooled by his mother). When a group of teens came along heading straight for the group. Jackson was smiling, that is until the group started pushing him and his friends. “Your stupid computer fix didn’t work shit licker.” The biggest of the group pushed Jackson backward.

Jackson looked shocked “Hey man you don’t have to push. Let me look at your computer and I am sure I can resolve this.”

The biggest of the group looked at Jackson and the group. No this is what is going to happen. You are going to give us your computers….. Or.” He pulled out a knife.

Jackson began to sweat, when one of his friends found a rare and ill timed spout of courage. “Fuck off barbarian.” This got the boy stabbed and all hell broke loose. The group all took out knives and started stabbing the group of nerds. That is when Jackson snapped, something broke inside and all he could remember was killing the group of thugs who killed his friends. When he came out of that rage. His hands bloody he looked around and panic had kicked in. That is when the monsters came. He was taken kicking and screaming into a van with the monsters, they drove and drove for what to the panicked teen seemed hours. He was escorted into a building with nothing but a blanket on and walked to an elevator and when they exited the elevator he looked around at the office setting people on phones talking and not looking at him. Some did grinning. Jackson was brought to room and pushed into a shower where he was given shampoo, conditioner and soap. When he was cleaned he was given simple clothing and brought to a room where he was left alone with his thoughts. “WHERE IS MY FUCKING COMPUTER!” Jackson slammed his fists on the door. To no response. “I KNOW A COP YOU KIDNAPPING FUCKS” He knew the threat was hollow and he couldn’t have his grandfather come from Las Vegas to help him even if he wanted to. He resigned to the fact that he was going to be killed or raped or put into a straight jacket. Yeah thats it, he was going crazy. Monsters aren't real. But then how did I kill those thugs. He thought to himself.

Day 2

All track of time had been lost, there was no window, his phone and watch had been confiscated. There wasn’t even a fucking mirror. That was when the door was open and a young attractive woman opened the door. “Come with me Mr. Bosch, I am your counselor Ms. Wisch. No you are not insane. Yes monsters are real and you are an Apex Predator. You are among your tribe” She looked at him as he squirmed in the chair. He looked at her. “Ms. Wisch, I just want my computer.”

The counselor smiled at this. “Do not worry in good time, it will be returned to you. First. We have a small problem with your…..record. Have you ever hacked into a computer?”

Jackson looked at her. Of course, he had already passed his A+ and was working on Security+. “If I have, are you going to arrest me?” She laughed. “No, come with me.” She said as she stood and walked to the door and opened it and motioned him to follow. He did as he was told, and the people he saw from yesterday had all greet him with grins and slaps on the back and led him to a computer. Jackson’s eyes lit up. The computer set up was choice! “Oh my god!” He tooled around. “64 gigs of Ram, water cooled, top of the line Ryzen chip!” Ms. Wisch put her hand on the nerdgasming Jackson. “Your task is to clean your police record. You have the tools at your disposal.”

They let him work. Using a VPN one of his computer nerd friends had help him setup. He used that as the starting gate way and kept his IP address roaming as he worked his way into the NYPD central computer. It was here he saw his record. He cleaned it up, making him go from wanted to an interviewed witness, using video editing tricks thanks to the computer’s processing power. He super imposed himself into a witness room giving the cops information on some random thug who broke a woman’s leg. Changing the time stamp and backlogging it. Once he was done, he looked at the people seeing them work. He scanned the network using ping commands and found working his way into the antivirus he ran and update and scanned only to find it had a virus. Again using his friend’s VPN as a mask he found his way to the root command of the virus and destroyed it from the system.

Ms. Wisch looked at the theurge as if he was in a trance. The boy had the makings of a technogaianist. He looked at Ms. Wisch. “I cleansed a virus from your system. After I cleaned up my record.”

Training and fast track . Ms. Wisch handed Jackson off into the capable hands of the Technogaianist Theurge Jerry “Firewall” Edgar, who gave the young Theurge Jackson the full blown, low down on his role. After bringing him into the Umbra and teaching him the power of his gifts and how the spirits were there to aid The Garou. He brought Jackson to a spirit. “Talk to the spirit and do what it asks of you to gain it’s favor.” Jackson did as he was instructed and talked to the spirit using spirit speech, and found out it wanted a flower from another apart of the umbra. So along with Firewall, Jackson went with his trainer and there he picked the flower needed and brought it back to the spirit.