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Dirty Harriet
Location Person
Old version of Harriet`Jayne

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Location Information

Contained in: New York
Venue: Werewolf

Person Information

Affiliation: Garou Nation
Age: 20
Type: Kinfolk
Purebreed: 2
Breed Form: Human

Harriet`Jayne Grew up in LA a bigger city with so much potential within reach. She grew into this most beautiful young lady. Full of sparkling energy a hiden air to her of someone wiser then her years with just a hint of to much sass. Yes she is a beauty yet she doesn't flaunt it,Puropsly. Yet Harriet has this shadow of shy reservation following her dispite the comepitive edge she has for life . she's rather quiet though not in a shy way perhaps timid with a bit of sass.. She seems well reserved , well mannered as if raised by a proper family with funds. Despite being raised within wealth she found herself always taking things that didn't belong to her. Even things she could pay for yet chose not to slipping it into her pocket. As a child she always did this it gave her a feeling of excitment . A treasure only she had access to and hide within her collection. Eventually she grew in this skill becoming quiet nimble with her fingers and sneakness to her as she would swipe things off people. This when things took a turn for her she got caught her family was very disgruntle about it and her actions. Perhaps this is why they sending her away. Yet wasn't it in the ShadowLord way to pull the great con, the wool over ones eyes they were sneaky and manipulators after all. Perhaps it skipped her generation.

Harriet`Jayne didn't like always being consider very soft to the eyes, she found herself through high school being pushed into the fine arts program partaking in the Plays and musicals but in the end it helped her with grants and she finished high school with honors graduating through the high school to college program by the end of her senior year she had finish her first year of Registered Nursing training , She was onto her second year now attending college at Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health. By time she was 19 she had completed two years of college got her RN Lincense. She worked around with some of the hospitals within the LA Area which she was quiet content in doing. Until her mother brought the need for Traveling nurses some oddly reason she pushed/cohorsed Harriet to switching to.

Now here Harriet Stands with a letter in her hand from her mother which she just tucked away into her pack unable to bring herself to read it.Climbing off the bus in New York she she stood quietly for a long pause. She grabs her bags and starts down the busy street of the city to the closest hotel checking in she feared if she would be accepted, welcomed to the new city, or the new pack if she shall find them. Yet she will push on she will persevere. While she would take time to settle in, and get into her a routine .She would work differant clinics, hospitals traveling about the city as being a traveling nurse they paid well, as well gave food card, hotel cost covered. Yet she found some of the hotels to be questionable which lead her to stumble upon a side hobbie being a Traveling guide writer She would stay at differant places, hotels, resorts, cabins, write about them and the area including things to do,places to eat. She rate them and upload pictures, this became useful and helped her kill time.

Harriet'Jayne a girl of many talents as when she's not seeking out family for her new life amongest the Garou in the city she would dabble on her piano and her voice was soft with just a hint of heaven within it. Finding life alone rather boring and solemn she sought out company well just the presence of being around others would work figuring it was time to go shopping. Harriet strolled down the street admiring several items that sat within the store front of the shops..She would slyly slip an item or two into her pocket pay for a few things. Unaware she was that she was caught one of the shop owners was beratting her about shoplifing yet Harriet stood her ground when a Man named Barnabas who've took noticed stepped over to lend a hand to Harriet with some story of how she hit the table as she turned and the item fell onto the edge of her purse.. Harriet was quiet as they stepped away she thanked the man whom now held her indebted to him. Barnabas finding that Harriet was a nurse that she could get him medical supplies and help treat others who could not go to the hospital.

Harriet would take medical supplies discreetly as she was allowed using her license to order and buy a few things herself. Though she became very tackful at how she would steal certain supplies as the hospitals kept count of everything and she would rarely do it. When a paitent would require a suture kit for stitches she would sign out two and give a reason of why such as "large cut, dropped thread on floor" Or if there was a pitent they were working on she would write down used supplies and take what actually wasn't used like iv bags, tubing , needles.

As soon things were starting to settle the outbreak hit..the mortals were being hit hard with the pandemic and it became the year of secretes, drama and healing. Harriet found herself tasked with many challenages this year. She was exhusted, overwhelmed yet held up well during all the chaos and was there to hold many peoples hand during their last hours. Harriet became one of the favorite nurses not only was she skilled at starting IV's finding that right vein, or helping to run a code, She showed such compassion as she would sit and sing to those in their coma-enduced state not wishing anyone to be left alone. Harriet is proud to have proven herself as a skilled nurse yet she yearns to be around more of her kind.

Harriet stands at 5ft tall she has a elegant sway to her as she moved, those dark eyes seem to illuminate with curiousty and caution maybe a few hiden secretes within their depths. There is a deleicate softness to her , just underneath that superficial layer ostentatious dramatics she wears with conviction There's an open mindness warm-hearted tenderness that draws people to her. This natural gift may take her years to come to terms with and to accept. She feels it's a curse as she is young and inexperienced though as she matures her wisdom will her her develope a keenness to the skill she blessed with aiding others.