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Alekto's Muse, Alexandria Anne Kells
Old version of Alex

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Age: 19
Type: Garou
Occupation: Rock "star"
Breed Form: Homid

Alexandria Ann Kells was born in Chicago, under the light of a waxing gibbous moon, in November of 2001. She came into the world with a shock of vividly red hair. She may have looked ordinary but it was quickly known she was anything but. First of all, she screamed like a banshee when she first started crying only to calm when the moon began to wane. It was a rough couple of weeks.

Alex's parents were Black Fury kinfolk and she was raised as part of the nation. She learned eagerly memorizing the tails and singing the songs with what was, to be frank, more enthusiasm than skill. A raw voice full of emotion that was nevertheless often mesmerizing to hear. She got into trouble with other children at school, getting into fights over hair ties and punching out bullies.

It was no surprise, then, when Alex had a similarly explosive First Change. She snuck out to go to an underground concert she'd heard about through word of mouth, and while she was there managed to piss off some fairly unsavoury guys. They jumped her afterward and beat the shit out of her. Two of them were later found in pieces, while two others were insane with fear from Delirium. The official story was 'car accident', but stories from what had happened Club led to some concern about Alex being involved in it. After that, she was kept close to heel and given a chance to prove herself to the Nation.

Alex continued to sing, and dance, and get into fights. There were a few false starts along the way as a result, and after she was no longer a cub she and a few of her kin decided to start a band. They hit the road with a rickety van. Al turned out to be better with a guitar than singing, but she had a mesmerizing way of telling a story that could draw a crowd- when she didn't just growl into a microphone and jump up and down on stage.

The band's heard about the trouble in New York City and rolled into town to help and get a new start. NYC also has a pretty prolific music scene, which never hurt. Even if they have to wait tables between gigs.