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Royce Gillette

Old version of removed Royce Gillette

Played by .

Affiliation: Mage
Age: 27
Type: Mage
Occupation: Cop

Royce has dark brown hair and calm, steely blue eyes, also his jaw is set in a way that let one know that he was not to be trifled with. Royce was subtly rugged, with a bit of a swagger as he walked-not from arrogance, but the type of swagger that comes with an internal sense of assurance and confidence in one's abilities. His well defined face has a hint of stubble on it. He is the type of man that looks you in the eyes with he is talking to you which inspires confidence in victims and fear in his enemies.

Royce's attire boasts a police badge on his belt or around his neck depending on the situation.The man favors two diffrent types of attire, one is casual attire which is B & W. Black slacks, shoes, and a plain t-shirt (or tank..) are quite common if this is the case. Other times, he will dress in a more professional attire which consists of a shirt or tanktop tucked into a pair of either black or dark blue bdu's if he is training or he will have on a nice suit if he is not wearing plain clothes attire. On his feet are a pair of socks and short black boots. He also at times has on a worn matching field jacket with certian attires or a long leather duster will be draped over his shoulders, the leather material shimmering just a touch other times, with the suit, he will wear a black overcoat.Also on his left hand is a military style watch with the face pointing inward regardless of the attire.