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August Travers

Old version of August Travers

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Residence: Tribeca
Affiliation: Camarilla, Ventrue
Age: 35
Type: Kindred
Occupation: Investor

August Travers was born to privilege. His father, Andrew, was a partner at Sullivan & Cromwell. His mother, Edith, was a mainstay of New York high society. He was also born into a changing world. Born on August 30th, 196

From a young age, August was raised with an idea of his place in society. Some of his earliest clear memories were of his father reading to him from his law books, even though he had no idea what the old man was saying. His father intended for August to follow in his footsteps. He attended Trinity School, got a Bachelors in Philosophy from Oxford, a JD from Yale. He studied hard to take his place in society at his father's firm. While he was ambitious and entitled, August also had a strong sense of social responsibility. While not traditionally religious, he had a basically conservative mindset that was only bolstered by what he learned of the law and the philosophers he found most compelling.