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MtA: Society of Ether: Professor Julian Ivo

Old version of Professor Julian Ivo

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Mage 20th Anniversary Sheet

Name: Julian Ivo

Player: Solyn

Chronicle: NYBN

Essence: Pattern

Nature: Capitalist

Demeanor: Mad Scientist

Faction: Traditions (Etherite)



Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Stamina: 1


Charisma: 4(Persuasive)

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 2


Perception: 3

Intelligence: 4(Creative)

Wits: 3



Alertness: 0

Art: 0

Athletics: 0

Awareness: 1

Brawl: 0

Empathy: 1

Expression: 1

Intimidation: 0

Leadership: 1

Streetwise: 0

Subterfuge: 1



Crafts: 3

Drive: 0

Etiquette: 0

Firearms: 3

Martial Arts: 0

Meditation: 0

Melee: 0

Research: 0

Stealth: 0

Survival: 0

Technology: 3


Gunsmith: 3

Pilot: 1

Security: 2

Hypertech: 2


Academics: 0

Computer: 3

Cosmology: 0

Enigmas: 0

Esoterica: 0

Investigation: 0

Law: 0


Occult: 1

Politics: 0

Science: 4 (Robotics)


Finance: 4 (Stock Markets)

Lore(Vampires): 1



Resources (5)

Avatar (2)

Node(Mobile, x2 cost)(2)

Contact (1) (Fat Larry)


Shattered Arete/Avatar (+0)

Enchanting Feature(Soothing Voice) (+2)

Computer Aptitude(+1)

Natural Leader(+2)

Hands of Daedalus(+3)





Echoes(-1) (Data use creates momentary static effect in electronic displays in immediate vicinity)

Willpower (6)


Bruised (No penalty)

Hurt (-1)

Injured (-1)

Wounded (-2)

Mauled (-2)

Crippled (-5)


Spheres & Magick

Arete: 2

Quintessence/Total Storage (Avatar): 2/20

Paradox: 0/??

Paradigm: Tech Holds All Answers

Practices: Dominion, Psionics, Hypertech, Cybernetics

Instruments: Labs/Lab Gear, Computers/IT Gear, Guns/weapons, Armor, Nanotech, Thought Forms, Brain/Computer Interface, Devices/Machines.


Data: 2

Entropy: 1

Forces: 0

Life: 0

Matter: 0

Mind: 0

Prime(Affinity): 1

Spirit: 0

Time: 2










Brawling/Martial Arts Charts

(Feel free to add maneuvers for MA and Do, or just include page numbers)

Maneuver: Grapple

Roll: Dex + Brawl

Difficulty: 6

Damage: Strength/B

Maneuver: Kick

Roll: Dex + Brawl

Difficulty: 7

Damage: Strength + 1/B

Maneuver: Punch

Roll: Dex + Brawl

Difficulty: 6

Damage: Strength/B

A = Aggravated Damage B = Bashing Damage


Carried Equipment/Wonders:

Possessions and Other Equipment:

Freebie Expenditure:

Spent 1 on Merit/Flaw balance

Spent 5 on Backgrounds

Spent 2 on Finances 3-4 (Stock Markets)

Spent 2 on Science 3-4(Robotics)

Spent 4 on Arete 1-2

Spent 1 on Willpower 5-6

Remember to include WtA Sourcebook and Page Number(s) if applicable.

Character History

Julian Ivo was born to a prosperous middle-class american family. Somewhat physically inept, prone to asthma, he had a penchant for robotics and matters technological from an early age. His precocious nature thrilled his parents to no end, but his cunning was another matter entirely.

Money fascinates many people, but money in and of itself was not the goal for young Julian. No...it was what money could do -for- him. The things it could buy, the influence it could barter. He learned to live frugally, and pursued his academic life with a laser-focus on earning a living. It took years of technical training, but eventually he had the expertise needed to make a living in the field of robotics. His earnings, which were respectable enough for his age and relative lack of experience, were hoarded and invested quite carefully.

Everything changed one night. He dreamed, and far more vividly than normal. In his dream, he saw seven shining stones, each glowing, resonating with a primordial power. They tumbled through the heavens, passing countless worlds, more than a few of which looked like Earth...or something approximating Earth. He reached out a hand towards them, feeling an instinctive yearning even in his dream. A voice seemed to sound through the heavens, as if a slumbering giant had briefly awakened. It made a noise of interest, then began to laugh as one of the stones responded to Julian’s outstretched hand. The gray gemstone hurtled towards the Earth, and Julian saw its passage...seeing it come closer and closer to his home. For the last descent, it almost seemed to phase through solid matter, until it came to a rest on the bed before his sleeping form.

It was not a mere dream. The stone was real, and its power far from inconsequential. Studying it revealed secrets he could scarcely comprehend. Time, space, the existence of powers beyond the ken of mundane science...all could be revealed, given time. Years passed, and the scientist learned of others like himself, and creatures that were far more alien, far more predatory. He made contacts in his native city of Los Angeles, but eventually felt called to the East Coast. By this time, he’d given up the academic life and instead begun making a positive fortune as head of a security firm, using his powers to isolate and identify threats to his clients security and well-being.

It was no more than a month before he found himself drawn to a second gemstone in his new city, one that glowed a brilliant red in contrast to the first one’s gray tones. Unlike the first one, this one was not left absent and unguarded...but with a combination of luck and preparation, he’d managed to seize it. He had a feeling all future gemstones would be far harder to acquire.