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Kindred New York

New York by Night
VtM / Location
Final version of removed Kindred New York
Venue: VtM

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I am leaving today

I want to be a part of it

New York, New York

— from the song New York, New York (songwriters Fred Ebb / John Kander)

New York, the whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Names are plentiful, none can describe it. The only way to learn of the city is to go there yourself, experience the sounds, sights and scent of the city. From the noisy chaos to the quiet serenity, from the smell of hot dogs and other street vendors to that of sewage, from high to low, the city has it all.

This is also true of the Kindred, both high and low come here, particularly now since the Camarilla has won the night, and once more reigns over the city that never sleeps. The Prince has the city in an iron grip, the one thing that keeps him in control is the fact that without him, there would be chaos. Whispers abound though that his control might be slipping. Of course, such rumors always appear, and the Prince has seen far too many of those who have tried to oust him be sent to brighten sunsets to worry too much about idle gossip. But perhaps, perhaps things are changing. The Sabbat are once more organizing on the other side of the river, and the Anarchs are growing in number each year.

Unlike the mortal side, New Jersey is the place things are happening in the vampire world. Sure, New York has its struggles too, but the nightly action and fighting happens on the streets of Hoboken and Newport. So far at least the fighting is contained to New Jersey, but the tunnels are not under control by the Camarilla which means the Anarch and Sabbat have free access.

New York of course has the nightlife. It has the action required by those who know where to look for such things, and with the current risk of Sabbat incursions, it would seem action will not be far from the possibility of things, any longer.

The unusual conditions of the victory of the Camarilla in New York has lead to some different accommodations. The Giovanni are offered official recognition in the city, and while not members of the Camarilla, they are included in, and welcome to all functions in the city. Perhaps even more surprisingly, but in light of their contribution to the liberation of the city, the Ravnos have received a home in the city, which has caused the tribe to be numerous, despite their circumstances. Ravnos still aren’t part of the Camarilla, but are officially recognized and allowed to hold domain, and those who aided in the liberation are generally well-received.

The numbers game… even for a city as large as New York, there’s too many kindred. Something will have to give. Someone will have to be voted off the island, or worse. There is an issue with resources, and the vampires of New York need to be quick and fluent to adjust to the ebb and tides of a fluctuating city. The only constants are the buildings, making Domain a highly sought after commodity. Some would argue that this is the Prince’s true power, his skill at handling his domain. Others would point out the strange bedfellows. Others still whisper of unseen allies, doing his bidding. The only truth known is that his enemies find themselves ruined, in all manner of ways.

The laws of the land, for those paying attention, with so many kindred running around, the laws are harsh. You break the traditions, your unlife is forfeit.. usually. The Sheriff will catch you, court will be held, the Primogen will be consulted, but the sentence is usually carried out before next sunrise.