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Donovan Gravano

Final version of removed Donovan Gravano

Played by .

Affiliation: Order of Hermes
Age: 25
Type: Mage
Occupation: Cop

He was average height, around 5'10" and average size around 170 lbs, but there was nothing else average about him. Van brushes a lock of chestnut hair that was across his face, sweeping it to the side. Van's hair is a chestnut color, parted in the center then left to hang and frame his face. His hair is tussled in a very precise manner, suggesting that he spends a lot of time on his appearance, mostly to make it look like he doesn't. Van's chiseled jaw sports stubble decorating his chin and upper lip, trimmed down into a neatly done and stylized goatee, going well with the artfully disarrayed locks of hair that hang down to the back of his neck. His eyes are a sultry grey/green color. Eyes that at a glance one could almost see the pure sexuality in them, especially if you were to gaze into them for long. When he spoke, you would notice that his Queens, NY accented voice lacked the smoothness of his appearance, it was rough - but from passion not abuse of his throat. His movements are somewhat punkish, yet at the same time athletic, he's got that street-style movements going on, and has this "you can't touch this" presence about him. At times, he gives you the impression that this is a guy who has fought his way up from nothing.

When called for, Van also has "the Alpha Male" Walk, which is almost panther-like in it's grace. The movements are similar to that of a boxers, shoulders moving, legs close together, like he was about ready to hit you or get hit. The last vibe you would get from him, is this subtle impression that you could fuck with him, but you were so going to regret it if you did. Overall Van seems like he rose out of the tough working class, like he has earned everything he has gotten in life. He's wearing a black silk shirt, which has been completely unbuttoned to reveal his trim and toned chest with a light amount of dark chest hair. A pair of black cargo pants with a studded leather belt and black leather engineer boots, with square toes and silver harness straps completes the clothing he wears. Save for the black leather waistcoat that is used more to conceal the black leather shoulder holster he wears then for anything else. He has a few silver rings on his fingers, not too many and none of them gaudy, but masculine. A pair of necklaces hangs from his neck as well, a pendant (St. Christopher on some days or St. Michael) on a small chain and a small crucifix. His wrists are each adorned with a silver bracelet. He looks like some undiscovered rock star, but the gun,pager and the gold badge clipped to his belt are proof enough that he isn't.