Guido the Guinea, Baron of Hoboken.
A little known fact is that Guidos actual name is Giuseppe Venizzola, and that the nickname is something he got from his days as a mortal man.
Rumor has it he worked at the docks and was a legbreaker for the mob back in the good old days. Never a proper made man himself, he was a Union man with ties to both this and that (Don't ask him about Hoffa) Embraced by a Brujah who saw value in the Union, and wanted to strengthen it against the mob ties (and the kindred behind those mob ties) Guido was turned in his fifties, his dark hair already turning white, his tan skinned riddled with wrinkles.
Nevertheless, Guido quickly proved to be something of a genius with the machinations of the Kindred, knowing just how to rouse the rabble, but also how to negotiate with murderers, a foot in each world meant he was a shoe-in for Baron, as much as he finds the title a bit ridiculous.
He prefers it if his people call him Guido... now, an outsider better come correct, and say Baron, he might even make them kiss his ring if he's in a Godfather mood. Guido is a dangerous individual in his own right, of course, but he rarely brings out the shotgun anymore.