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Mayra Kostos

Old version of Mayra Kostos

Timid and soft-spoken, the public face of A Safe Harbor

Affiliation: Black Furies, A Safe Harbor
Age: 24
Type: Kinfolk
Purebreed: 5
The Person schema has changed.

Mayra is a survivor of the recent attack on Enduring Might. She is the last surviving member of her family. Date Rape when she was sixteen left her with chlamydia. Even though it was a curable STD, she found herself with two very unfortunate side effects. She fears she is infertile and has an unshakable distrust of all men. She was found by Rags to Riches shortly after their arrival in New York.

Collaborating with Enyo's Strife she assisted in the foundation of the charitable organization now known as A Safe Harbor. It is located near several other women’s shelters and charitable organizations to which the tribe offers outreach. She is the face of the non-profit organization and is responsible for most of the duties involving its upkeep. It is suspected that a romance is budding between her and Enyo's Strife.

Physical Description

A petite girl with shoulder-length brown hair and wire-framed glasses, Mayra presents a conservative picture. She is usually dressed in simple, non-flattering suits and low heels. She wears no makeup or visible jewelry, and some may describe her as ‘mousy.’ She is very soft-spoken and appears rather timid on the first impression. Her new-found duties are changing this, however. She is starting to show the beginnings of an actual backbone.