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WtA: Kinfolk: Get of Fenris: Wilhelmina Elliott

WtA: Alias: Yoga Pants, WtA: Alias: Mina
Kinfolk Get of Fenris / Person
Old version of Wilhelmina Elliott

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Affiliation: Get of Fenris, Fürst Gym
Age: 25
Type: Kinfolk
Occupation: Veterinarian

Wilhelmina Victoria Elliott was the fourth of seven children born to Amelia and Jacob, on June 18, 1994. Kinfolk to the core, growing up, Wilhelmina was expected to be just like her mother. Grow up, get married, have babies, and be a stay-at-home mom.

Leave it to Mina to go against that tradition, though she kept to many of the others. Caring for her brothers, older and younger. Learning how to cook and clean and make nice (not that she took well to cooking, often burning her attempts if her sister or mother wasn’t helping).

Rather than getting married straight out of high school, Mina immediately applied for an academic scholarship to the University of New Hampshire’s veterinary program. She moved into a dormitory, and almost didn’t look back.

She wouldn’t have, if it weren’t for her mother.

Calls every other night. Care packages. Emails. Letters. She kept her in the loop with what was happening at home. Made sure she was invited for the “family reunion” that was the next-to-youngest brother’s Rite of Passage celebration. It presented the opportunity to showcase whas she was learning over in university, especially since she had to do homework after the event, and finally convinced her father that veterinary school was, in fact, an essential need. Easy medical training.

Once she graduated, she came home, working as an assistant at a small local veterinary clinic just a few blocks from the house. Most of her paychecks went to the household, proving once again that employment of any kind was beyond beneficial, especially with the modern economy and so many siblings, while her oldest sibling, her only sister, did everything their mother did.

And then something changed.

Of all the Elliott family members, only Mina answered the call, the innate pull, and made her way to New York City - only to find that she was too late. The Sept had already fallen.

She found company in five other Get Kinfolk that had answered the call, some even going through the arduous process of transferring from their home university to NYU. Joanna Bishop (pre-med), Anthony (mechanic) & Melanie Stewart (pre-law), Lydia Harmon (nursing), and William Booker (accounting). Anthony and Melanie had gotten married straight out of high school; Lydia and William met in their shared Calculus class. Together, the six of them pooled their (not amazing) finances and bought a three-bedroom house in Yonkers, a block away from the home of the local Get elder.

Through some very fast affiliation with the elder, Mina took up a somewhat apprentice-like position with another Get Kinfolk who had taken a similar path to her own - a veterinarian, whose place of business was on the same property as Fürst Gym, running a backdoor emergency clinic for Garou.

Mina has always enjoyed helping those around her, anyway.