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Getting Started in Changeling

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Welcome to the County of Islands, the Changeling venue for New York by Night. This is designed to be the first stop for new players both in character and out. It gives the basic concept of the game, a very brief overview of the setting, and guided links to all the more detailed information. I've designed the game with a few basic things in mind.

First, I'm dedicated to fully exploring C20. This isn't a second edition game with the rules tweaked a little. I've tried instead to approach C20 with fresh eyes and to take a lot of its concepts to heart. I've spent a lot of time obsessing over exactly how the background stuff fits together, even the stuff that's a bit distant.

Second, I'm dedicated to having a game that takes a lot of its creative lead from the players. Stories are told with the players, not to them. Groups of players can create their own motleys and households central to the setting and story. Players can explore the most, though not quite all, of the extraordinary array of new characters types in C20. Plot events follow on the characters' actions. Characters from different factions can struggle and negotiate with one another, largely determining the future of the setting.

Third, I want to make sure the game can have a sense of cohesion, theme, and community. New players shouldn't have to be worried about being killed on site entering a room with an unknown character. The game shouldn't feel like a dozen separate chronicles that barely touch one another. Yes, this goal places some limits on the first two. So, abstractions aside, let's jump in.