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Private Conversations

You can have private conversations with other players who are present in the chat. They need not be in the same room as you. To start a private conversation, open the Players tab in the left menu, then click the player you want to talk to. A private conversation will open in the main chat window where you can send messages to the other player and they can reply to you. Only you and that player can see the conversation. They will be notified when you send a message.

The private conversation will be listed in the Rooms tab on the left under Private Conversations, and it will have a tab in the active rooms list at the bottom, labelled with the other players name.

When you receive a private message from another player and you do not have a conversation open with them (for example if they message you first, or if you closed the conversation), an entry will appear on the left under Private Conversations, marked with unread messages.

You can close a private conversation in the same way that you close a room by clicking the Close button in the top right corner, or by clicking the × button under Private Conversations in the bottom left of the chat.

Did you know? If you re-open a private conversation, you can see the old messages that were posted there before, up to 50 messages.