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Selene Kadrai

Twilight Sparkle, Twi
Old version of Selene Kadrai

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Selene is an Arcanist - a mixture of sorcerer and wizard, having the abilities of both. She is the daughter of Anjal Kadrei and Phillip Kadrai

She is only five foot two and three quarters in height with dark blue hair with violet streaks in it. Her eyes are also a brilliant violet but, when she is in public, she will usually use her Alter Self spell to make herself less distinctive with plain brown/blondish hair - although she has experimented with reddish hair but even that didn't make her look like a 'Plain Jane' as she wanted. She also wears glasses on occasion. Basically she is attempting to blend in, while wearing her plain blue robes. Unfortunately, when her magic is active occasionally sparkles of light will appear around her. Given that she was born at twilight and sparkles accompanied her birth, she is sometimes known as 'Twilight Sparkle' and she has used the name 'Twi' in order to hide her relationship with Arch Mage Kadrai, again in an attempt to hide her real identity.

She is shy and retiring but very knowledgeable, and usually spends most of her time reading, surrounded by books. She actually works as a librarian in the Great Library.

Somehow, instead of the fey or arcane bloodline her mother had, she got the aquatic bloodline instead. This may have been caused by the Space/Time/Magic Cataclysm but she also loves to swim and enjoys using the pool at Kadrai Keep.

Only a few people know the real Selene apart from her parents, being Rani Frost (who has a secret crush on her) and her mother Katrina Frost, Lady Storm Atianna and Lady Bielviel Atianna

One reason for this may be that Selene may be part of an ancient prophecy and the less that know about that, the better. Milo Frost may also be involved.