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Work isn't done just because the siege is over.

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The young noble Askaari Sterker looked like death warmed over. There was evidence on the small amount of skin showing that he had wounds that were still healing. He had on clean clothes that covered skin and scales. He moved as if exhausted but still carried on with his tasks. Taking reports and sharing stories with his Houses soldiers. While the rest of the Sterker Household did what they needed to do to start getting themselves and the citizens past the Siege. Soldiers were getting reassigned to root out any horde left in the city so they wouldn't be a danger to the people. Starting at their home and radiating outward.

He joins his troops, with what medics they could spare that weren't already helping out at the larger medical areas. He wanted to be sure they would be ready to help any people they found who had not been killed that still hid or lay amongst the ruins of their homes. His group of soldiers looked as wounded and tired as he did and moved the same way. But all that would fade instantly if they found horde hiding or people still alive and needing help.

They moved house by house in an organized method. Happy to meet others Noble Houses and what was left to spare from the rest of the Guards for that section of the city as the groups grew and shrank with the escorting of civilians to safer areas when they were found. That was his day of celebrating the end of the siege. Hungry, tired, wounded and doing his best to show none of that, to inspire his people to keep on helping.

Milo organized House Frost's men; his Father's Herd, and was directing and actually helping clear rubble in the section of the city that had collapsed into a massive hole. We have Soldiers and Civilians trapped down there! Use Magic to help get these large chunks of rubble cleared away and lets start digging people out! The longer we wait the worse it will be. If you see any Horde while digging them out kill them. No Quarter. Stack Horde corpses in that pile. Civilians go in that pile to be identified and given a proper burial. Soldiers over there, make sure they get back to their respective Nations and for the love of Mythos respect their Customs and Religious beliefs; we worked hard to mend relationships with other Nations don't screw it up now. He summons Bob his Astral Construct to help move the massive rubble chunks.

Milo Frost (Diplomacy): 25 = 1d20 [20] + 5 To Inspire the Citizens and Motivate those helping to dig people out.

Ever dueful, Rani went to report for work at the Port Authority building only to find it completely flattened. Apparently a giant had fallen on it. People, including Aquana, were working to clear the rubble. So she pitched in to help.