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Mist in the Old Forest

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After the Equinox celebration in the Old Forest, delayed because of the Horde, there was much talk amongst the commoners.

They were all grateful for the seeds given by the Druids to re-start and kick start their fields. (( special seeds, will grow rapidly and bountifully in comparison to normal planting. Just in time for the 1st harvest. But it wont be enough, farmers still need assistance from their nobles in replacing livestock and more fields. )) But those same farmers are also incredibly concerned about this mysterious fog that has filled the entire Old Forest. It was thick and did not dissipate like normal fog, also it did not leave the boundaries of the forest except for a few tendrils here and there. A lot of rumors start to appear of people getting lost in the woods. Unable to travel or even complete their normal duties such as those that work the logging plantations on the borders for fresh wood. There's even word of unearthly screams of terror in the woods as people go missing.

(( RULES: Those travelling in the forest - under the effect of Obscuring Mist spell in regards to perception and combat. Also, you need to succeed in a DC 22 survival to find your way. The 1st failure means you travel in a circle, 2nd failure means you end up in a completely different part of the forest than you intend to. 3rd fail and you're outside the forest facing the city. ))

(( Follow up RULES: Those UNNAFFECTED are Druids (must be a druid) and those with Fey Tokens (which is currently only 1 PC, you know who you are). ))

So question Tron. Nari is a Witch, with no levels in Druid but as part of your forest sphere he's helped the druids with the forest and the people of the farmlands. He doesn't have a Fey Token, does this mean that the Druids no longer want his help since he's affected by the mists. And does this mean that he's no longer allowed to be part of the Nature sphere that includes the forest?

(( Per the rules of the mist, since you are not a druid or have a fey token then you are affected by the mist like everyone else. This is not a specific "we don't like Nari anymore" but a defense raised in reply to those who would enfore the Doge's deal. ))

The "Nature Sphere" is an OOC concept, you can continue to work within / participate in Nature Sphere oriented scenes and through those scenes you can gain Fey Tokens or favor with the Druids.))

Do we still require these 'Fey Tokens?" If so, Rani would want to seek one out via her druidic sister,

Luci said the mist had left. So we shouldn't need any tokens