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A Dragons Perspective and Intervention

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I knew what was going on but my hands were tied, I was stuck in the Dragon Realm unable to intervene despite MY territory being invaded by another dragon. The council of ancients is like any other council bogged down in bureaucratic nonsense. I'm the wild card they TRY to keep in check much to their annoyance. I am not allowed to intervene with the natural "order of things" when it comes to events happening in that particular realm.

The Silver Rain Republic AND the country of Duirt are my territories or children as I have come to think of them. You see.. I claimed the lions share. Who says being a methuselah does not have its perks? What I cant abide is when my children squabble between themselves which seems to have happened. One is trying to take advantage of the other and I can do absolutely nothing to intervene. What I WONT allow is another "wyrm" to take advantage of a volatile situation..

A dragons Territory is viewed akin to a dragons Hoard...very sacred and to cross that line is a very dangerous one, a challenge if you will. Asharu is not an ancient but she IS an elder among my race. She took it upon herself to take advantage of a temporary vulnerability and place herself in the midst's of my two squabbling children. Greed...and envy...always the main forms of contention be it human or dragonkind. Gathering the rabble of Goblins and Trolls and Ogres and every other sort of filth to take control of my territory just to start.

She went against the council of ancients and they were too BLIND to see what was going on and refused to heed my warnings. For that...one of my children suffered...almost to the point of being obliterated by her greed and desire to posses something that does not belong to her. I cheated a little...fed information to my daughter...bestowed the gift of my rage in a few skirmishes...but nothing OVERT enough to call attention to the council.

When I DID arrive on the scene my heart swelled with pride. My daughter...a mere child compared to the elder was holding her off admirably. She isnt as powerful as Asharu only because of her age...but she is still "the blood of Beluvial" which gave her a bit of an edge to hang in there and give as much as she was getting. My heart filled with wonder as I saw my daughter fighting claw and fang defending well her mothers claim on the territories.

When I arrived I brought the "Wing Liege" with me..constables of the Council whom keep wayward dragons in line. They took Asharu into custody while she spouted off some nonsense about my not deserving the territories and my not giving them the attention "they deserve" I did not even comment on the fact that HER attention would destroy one...and leave her pet monsters in place after the slaughter. I showed her the arrogance of trying to raise such an army against my territory as legions upon legions of Greater Elementals appeared surrounding her pitiful army. Waves upon waves of Flame, Air, Earth, and even Water elementals surrounded the city ALL flocking to the banner of Beluvial. After a demonstration of what a REAL army looks like...I sent them away...still trying to abide by the decrees of the council.

At that point the city was almost on the verge of oblivion and I still was not allowed to interfere. Some of the children were fighting in the streets against the rabble gathered while my daughter was attempting to keep Asharu occupied. I left with the Wing Liege taking my leave while DESCRETELY leaving the hero's with a bit of my rage and dragon healing. Asharu will pay for her crime of going against the decree of the council and I shall take my own pleasure in making her pay for her arrogance against me and mine!