Mimir looks, and definitely acts, younger than his age. (Not 18 for at least another two weeks!) His hair is still the waivy pearlescent white—with hints of blue that seem to reflect the sky—from when he was a kid. It's kept at "half it when it reaches my shoulders" length, as opposed to the 8 hairs that have spawned on his chin which he obsessively shaves. At least they don't draw attention, since his light, sun-tanned skin is littered with freckles from head to toe.
Mimir has disproportionally broad shoulders and narrow hips, making him look like "the triangle on legs" at a distance. Though, people only call him that in good faith, because they're talking about 170 lbs of muscle standing 5'10" tall. And he's frighteningly well-mannered!
Mimir's eyes are wide open, showing irises as green and dark as the open sea. He's usually seen wearing boots, since his toes are unusually long and partially webbed, and he's been told that showing them to townsfolk could make them jealous and uncomfortable.
Suggestion for backstory: at young age, he's been adopted into a loving fisherman's family at the edge of town. The parents have done an excellent job teaching Mimir that hard work pays off (mostly spear-fishing) and how to be self-sufficient and confident (or perhaps he just hasn't been taught embarrassment).