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"Bodyguard" of Kasumi

Affiliation: Omitsu Kasumi

Mano is a tough looking warrior from the mountain regions of Heisei, and stands as a tall, strong looking man. He has been hired as the bodyguard of Omitsu Kasumi, allowing her to travel more easily.

In the civilized world Mano appears near Kasumi when on tour, carrying a large spear as well as sword and shield. He follows her around as a proper bodyguard should, scaring off botherers and making sure she is protected. A noble lady after all requires protection.

When out adventuring or when there is serious danger, Mano retreats to a safe distance whilst Kasumi and whoever is with her do any actual fighting or encountering of danger, with the glaive being handed over. Mano is there for show protection, though he is skilled in first aid.

As an aide de camp Mano makes sure the tents are set up and gathers firewood, as well as carrying some supplies.