An-Yeri grew up as a scion of clan Hanamiya. Accustomed to the underground terrain and following the traditions of her house, she received training in stealth observation techniques and with the bow. She would soon, as many in her direct family before her, serve as a scout and warden, gathering information and safeguarding her ancestral lands from outside threats. Her tasks would have her travel frequently and she grew accustomed to the life out in wilds, away from the pressing social obligations and intrigues within the drow society. She could thus hone her skills in relative freedom, which she enjoyed thanks to her posting as warden, even though she knew this wouldn't last.
As she grew older and rose through the ranks of the wardens throughout the years, she had to give up more and more of the freedom of the life in the wilderness and instead partake more in what she viewed as 'the social game'. It felt like an obligation at first but eventually, she got more used to the strife and manipulation and became quite good at it. She also found that the life out in the wilderness had hardened her and strengthened her character and mind. It was during this time that An-Yeri discovered that she also had an aptitude for magic, though it was hard to grasp at first. She started experimenting with it, slowly learning the ropes though, accidents did also happen. Accidents, which someday would lead to unwanted consequences...
...once out on a routine scouting patrol, An-Yeri and her team ran into a lingering magical aura, seemingly left over from a ritual. Unable to recognize a direct threat they investigated the site, hoping to uncover what had caused the aura. The aura, however, wasn't as inert or harmless as it seemed and slowly grew in strength, as if it was siphoning power from elsewhere. By the time An-Yeri realized their mistake, it was already too late and mere moments later they found themselves on the Abyss and beset by demons.
During the ambush most of her party was killed or captured into slavery, some however, An-Yeri included, managed to escape even though they were severely wounded. Finding shelter in a temple of Beliria, they were nursed back to health. Realizing that she and her sisters were now indebted not only the to priestesses that had offered her help and protection but also to the Goddess, she pledged her service to the temple and the Goddess. For decades, and still, she devoted her talents to the protection and "(re)procurement of assets" belonging to the temple and the church; while she used the temple's resources to further her knowledge in the arcane arts of sorcery.
An-Yeri's character is strongly influenced by the expectations of drow society, however not in the way most might expect. Instead of playing the games of manipulation and intrigue, An-Yeri tries to rely on physical prowess and her sharp mind to achieve her goals, often favoring a more longterm strategy over a direct play for power or influence.
Being born in within a noble family, but yet with a much lower station, she has learned to expect that others have sway (and a say) over some her actions and that they may be the result of actions and reasoning well above her social standing. As such, she considers gains in personal power important, but only if the benefits are likely to last.
Living most of her life as a warden and protector, An-Yeri also advocates the rights to one's own land and property.