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Ordo Caelara

Theocratic government of Aethra and member of the Union

Leader: Caelara
Allegiance: Union

The Ordo Caelara is the theocratic government in charge of the planet Æthrahenna, more commonly referred to as Aethra, and the Caelaran faith. As a theocracy, it is both the planets government and a religious institution, both functions intermingled to the point where they are difficult to distinguish.

The Ordo Caelara claims dominion over Aethra as well as all those who share their religion.

Internal Organization

The official head of state is the God-Empress Caelara, who is worshiped as a deity. As she does not actively engage with government, the Ordo Caelara, which answers directly to her, forms the nations de-facto government.

The Ordo Caelara is led by a council known as the Synod, which consists of eight high ranking men, including the heads of various religious orders, plus one woman who serves as a tie-breaker in case of deadlocks.

Besides the Ordo Caelara, there are several other important organizations, including the Ordo Inferos which is responsible for the territories outside the cities and the Ordo Saeculum which is responsible for the factions technology.

The Caelaran armed forces consist of the army in the form of the Consilia Cruciata religious order, and navy in the form of the Consilia Astrologica religious order. Both are supplied in terms of weapons and ships by the Ordo Saeculum.

Foreign Relations

For a fanatical religious group, the Ordo Caelara is surprisingly tolerant to outsiders having different beliefs and actively requires its members off world to show tolerance to those who 'have not found the light yet'.

They limit proselytizing in accordance with local norms and base most of their missionary work around charity activities. Membership of the Union was chosen, among other benefits, for the ability to share the faith to others who may be interested.

Once one officially converts to the religion though, membership is considered permanent and the Ordo Caelara will go to some lengths to keep track of renegade faithful so as to help them return once their crisis of faith has resolved.