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Caelaran faith

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Old version of Caelaran faith

The Caelaran faith is a religious belief system and way of life based around the teachings of Caelara, and is the state religion on Aethra.

Although different religious orders exist within the faith, these orders share many rituals, cosmology, religious writings and similar concepts.

Prominent themes in the Caelaran belief system are the divine duty, the quest for spiritual ascension and the sanctity of the Æon

Divine Duty

Within the Caelaran faith, the Divine Duty represents the requirement of all faithful to apply themselves to the physical duties assigned to them 'by birth and intervention'.

Duties by birth are interpreted as those duties that are cast upon individuals by what they are - if someone is born into a family of farmers, one's duty by birth is to be a farmer.

Duties by intervention are interpreted as those duties that are cast upon individuals by when and where they are, that is, by the circumstances of the universe that overwrite the duties by birth.

Duties by intervention are generally laid upon an individual by outside circumstance in the service of the greater good. For example, a farmer may have a duty by intervention to become a warrior and fight to defend his farm or his greater community.

Spiritual Ascension


