Thanks through the actions of Jedi Padawans Aava, Denari and Kial, the Jedi Order now has access to the Aquatic Geode of Piraus. Those who have been deemed worthy by Maester d'Dac are able to acquire a Piraus Crystal. Doing so requires some meditation however and choices need to be made as part of that meditation.
The Piraus crystal changes the color of the lightsaber, often overriding but sometimes mixing with the sabers original color.
The descriptions below are the common understanding about Lightsabers among the Jedi, but different Jedi make different choices in color for different reasons so you are not bound by that description.
Blue is one of the most generic colours and is the most widely used. It stands for dedication to the Force, a conservative mindset and the protection of the weak and is sometimes associated with the Universal Force
Green is the second most common colour. It stands for tolerance, cooperation and a connection to nature and is often used by followers of the Living Force
Purple stands for flexibility and is often used by Jedi that like to use clever tricks and cunning misdirection.
Yellow is the colour of knowledge and quick wits.
Red is a controversial colour as it stands for aggression and survival of the fittest. Some Jedi Masters consider this in conflict with the Jedi Code
The shape of the Piraus crystal reflects some of the philosophy of the wielder, though there are no set meanings for the different shapes. Each may echo different ideas or details and it is up to the Jedi to figure out what those ideas and meanings are.
Cubic Crystal
Cubic crystals are regularly shaped and usually have smooth surfaces and tight corners. They tend to represent properties like being organized or meticulous.
Dodecahedral Crystal
Dodecahedral crystals some of the most irregular, often having strange jagged edges, but their own beauty and symmetry. They tend to represent properties like openness to strange ideas and inventiveness.
Hexagonal Crystal
Hexagonal crystals tend to be elongated and ending in a point on the end and have some traditional crystalline beauty. They tend to represent properties like cooperation and compassion.
Octagonal Crystal
Octagonal Crystals tend to be denser in crystalline structure with a clear symmetrical structure. They tend to represent properties like resilience and confidence.
Rhombohedral Crystal
Rhombohedral crystals come in many different variations, each sharing a generic shape but always unique. They tend to represent properties like curiosity and a desire to explore.
Tetragonal Crystal
Tetragonal crystals tend to be elongated with a few unusual angles and can vary widely. They tend to have their own meaning to the Jedi based on the shape.
The effect of the crystal may be one of the following:
+1 🗡 Strike
+1 🛡 Defense
+2 🗡 Strike when under water
+1 🗡 Strike and +1 🛡 Defense when under water
+2 🛡 Defense when under water
Getting your crystal
Once you have gotten the OK from the storyteller, you may decide on your crystal. Make the choices set above and describe in two or three paragraphs why your Jedi has chosen this particular crystal and how it reflects on them as a Jedi.
The storyteller will then add the crystal to your sheet, and one bonus Training Point in addition for the effort.
As Denari was meditating, the call from one of the crystals became ever stronger, or perhaps simply more pronounced due to her focus.
She retrieved it without really looking and returned to the spot she had been meditating before to inspect the crystal.
At first it seemed to be a simple, slender, green, rhombohedral crystal. However if one took the time to inspect it closely enough - as Denari loved to do, one could discover minuscule inclusions of countless other colours. Denari liked this, as it confirmed once again that there is often much more to things than it first appears.
The crystal reflects well who Denari is as a person and as a Jedi. The green colour hints at her connection to nature and the value she ascribes to cooperation and connection to others. The rhombohedral shape is so archetypical for a Jedi as curious as Denari, that it might draw a smile from anyone who could appreciate such things.
Denari's crystal is a green, rhombohedral crystal that gives her +2 strike when underwater.
If the part with the inclusions of other colours is not approved, I will change the post.
Meditating underwater with diving equipment wasn't too hard for Kial. A long time ago a drill sergeant had told her the best way to train either her mind or her body was to do both simultaneously. This had helped her a great deal when she first joined the jedi and was of great help now as well.
Staring at the rock formation, Kial approached. But something felt off. She stopped. Closing her eyes, she reached out. And again she felt something wasn't right.
Focussing she thought she felt a miniscule current, pushing her away. No, not away. Aside. Kial decided to follow the current. Eyes still closed, the current guided her to the other side of the rock formation. Then towards it, until she felt her hand lightly close around a crystal.
Opening her eyes she retreated from the rock formation. Slowly, she opened her hand. Only to clamp it shut a moment later.
She could feel the sharp edges of the tetragonal crystal dig into her hand through her glove. But that wasn't what had caused her to clamp her hand shut. What had caused her to shield it from view was its colour. A deep, almost dark even, crimson.
Dedicated as she was, Kial knew the meaning behind the colour. What she couldn't figure out was why? She didn't recognise herself in aggression or survival of the fittest. She would worry about this for a great deal, had the shape of the crystal not had a strangely soothing effect on her. Reminding her of something she had forgotten.
Regardless this was the crystal she had taken, she would deal with it.
Kials crystal is a red, tetragonal crystal and gives her +1 Strike
As Aava attempts to meditate in the room, she is constantly distracted by her diving gear. Even with the suggestions of master d'Dac. She shifts and fidgets, trying to ignore the gear. She sits there for half an hour, trying to ignore the gear that is clearly weighing on her.
After even more time trying to meditate, a realization dawns on her. Her diving gear is not weighing on her, her gear is necessary for her to be here. Regardless of how she feels about it, without her diving gear she could not have come here.
With this realization comes a calm acceptance, as if her diving gear has somehow shifted to no longer weigh down on her. Slowly she sinks into her meditation.
After an indeterminate amount of time a picture of a crystal forms in her mind. The crystal she sees has a bright blue color as if lit from the inside by some hot source of energy. Its shape reminds her of an old drive unit she once worked on: a dodecahedral shape with some irregularities in the edges, as if the crystal itself is struggling to maintain its shape.
As she opens her eyes, Aava discovers that she is floating. Which, given the fact that the room is flooded, does not come as a surprise. As she inspects the geode in front of her, she is drawn to one of the blue crystals near the seabed. Its shape matches that of the crystal she shaw while meditating, and its blue color seems similar. As she picks up the crystal, the light catches it just so, and for a moment the crystal seems filled with bright white energy.
Aava's crystal is a blue, dodecahedral crystal that gives +1 🛡 Defense.