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Roric Blackthorn

Old version of Roric Blackthorn

Played by .

Residence: Frosthaven
Affiliation: House Blackthorn

Family: Son of Lord Kaelith Blackthorn


Roric bears a striking resemblance to his father, with the same piercing gray eyes and strong jawline. However, his features are less weathered, reflecting his youth. He stands a little shorter than Kaelith, perhaps just shy of six feet, but with a similarly lean and wiry build. His dark hair, also streaked with silver (a trait seemingly common in the Blackthorn line), is usually worn loose, falling to his shoulders. He bears a small scar on his left cheekbone, a memento from a close encounter with a snowcat during a solo hunt.


Roric possesses the same stoic demeanor and quiet strength as his father, but with a hint of youthful impatience. He is eager to prove himself worthy of the Blackthorn name and yearns for the day he can lead his own expeditions into the Frostbound Wilds. He is fiercely loyal to his family and driven by a strong sense of duty, but also harbors a sense of adventure and a desire to explore the world beyond Frosthaven. While he respects his father deeply, he sometimes chafes under Kaelith's strict guidance, longing for more freedom and autonomy.