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==== The Setting namespace describes the In Character game world. AsWhen ==== Our stories take place during the year 1,200 B.C.E., Roughly 3,200 years ago. Magic and mystics are still in high population around the lands of Greece, mythical creatures and races run wild. ==== The Where ==== Greece, Beautiful and dangerous landscapes, mountains, deserts, fill the horizon, seas and oceans give birth to terrifying creatures and monsters, and the promise of riches keep people treading where they should never go. ==== The Who ==== Demigods have created a player, youce where they can create your character here, andhone and train their skills unmolested by mortal men. PCs can expect to be trained by the likes of Hercules, Achiles, Xena, And just about every other hero that history has spoken of. The armies of the Demigods grows, and the bout for Olympus is coming near. ==== The What ==== Olympus is the goal of the Demigods. They are going to plot the twilight of the gods, and determine once completed whether they will divide the power amongst themselves, seeing that none will ever be as storyteller youpowerful - and thus corrupt as their patrons and matrons, or decide to destroy the power once and for all, leaving earth void of magic and power, trusting no one the responsibility to wield it...Will this choice just spark another godly war among the Demigods? Or will peace finally come to the earth? ==== The Why ==== The gods are petty and cruel, they corrupt mortals for their own amusement and care little about the lives and desires of those they toy with. Having the power to take them back has tempted great heroes and demigods to the throne of Olympus, believing if their parents could overthrow Chronos, then they can describe everything about the world, including non-player characters, locations like major cities or landmarks, macguffins, factions, in-character religions and deities and anything else that you feel is important.overthrow the gods. ==== The How ==== In general, we advise creatingMagicians of the lands have found a pageway to awaken the bloodline of the gods. A ritual was performed awaking anyone with even the slightest trace of deific spark. These people have woken into Demigod status (System Terms: Ghestalt Characters with a high point total for each thing you describe, so one page per (non-player) character, one page per location, one page per country, etc. * [[https://rpgpad.com/c/war_for_mount_olympus/setting/__create__|Create a new page]] * [[https://rpgpad.com/c/war_for_mount_olympus/setting/__index__|See the list of current pages]]attributes, Much stronger than "mortals".) Together they will grow and become strong, eventually overthrowing the gods and taking their place on the altar of Mount Olympus.