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Differences on Miss Steele

Differences between by and the current version
Miss Ambrosian Steele was passed on as Ghoul to [[Sir di Grimani]] by [[Lady Eagleton]]. After her visit to the [[Coterie Club]] to warn Sir di Grimani of an impending attack, she was once again passed on, this time to [[Lady Gallorett]]. She is currently employed as the Head Librarian of [[Lady Gallorett]], working to maintain and extend the library of [[Halpine House]]. [ooc] Upon ghouling there is a player choice: the ghoul gains a favoured ability from the domitor's bloodline favoured abilities, and two of their Attributes are increased by one dot. //Choice not yet made.//: **Favoured ability: Expression, \\ Increased Attributes: Intelligence, Wits** [/ooc]