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Lord Krain's Diary

Old version of Lord Krain's Diary

Lord Krain's Diary since arriving in London

Owner: Lord Krain
The Item schema has changed.

Tue 23/11

Arrival into London. Got introduced to the Falklands, lady Galloret, miss Gladstone and miss Brook at breakfast. A novel experience. Instead of a wine, dine and be dined upon party, there is chatter and glasses of, I must say the most excuisite blood. Sir von Wedel has been kind enough to give me directions to this house, however has neglected to make the proper introductions. Awkward at best. Upon introductions Lord Falkland immediately offered residence, which I kindly accepted. A lot better than that boor of a Wedel, really.

The Lady Galloret has been informed of her missive included in the package. She has instructed me to have it delivered to Alpine House, but I must be sure to have the right adressee. With her distance and chill and those white, white hair. Matches the description for sure, but still.

Another thing of note was that Miss Brook did not seem to partake at breakfast. Something of note to be further investigated. She is a weird one, with that fox and that feral glance.

23/11 (cont.)

A meeting was set up with the Primogen, Lord Aldwych as befits my status. I was also shortly retained by Lady Aldwych. A Levee was announced to be held shortly for introductions with the Prince.

Lord Falkland has proven an exceptional host, introducing me in this meeting as well as to his local hunting ground. I expressed these feelings towards the primogen as well.

Sat 27/11

Today the Levee was set. The formal part was strangely tense. I don't know why but I could only pull through it on Willpower alone.

After introductions to the Prince, I was taken aside by Lord Rook to whom I confided on the American Werewolf situation in London. It seems that aside from the Wolves there has been more traffic from Kindred to London. It seems this individual caused quite a stir, or otherwise the Londoner kin take it for granted everyone across the water knows one another.

Lord Rook was kind enough to relay me to no other then Lord Falkland for further information on activity aimed at the wolves. Convenient.