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Historical Events pre-1872

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Historical events leading up to the campaign setting.

A page to list and give details about historical events that happened prior to the campaign, so that you can use them in backstories of created characters.

Year Event
1870-1871 Great Persian Famine
1870-1871 Franco-Prussian War
1870-1871 Siege of Paris
1871 Paris Commune
1871 German Empire proclaimed
1871 Rome part of Italy
1869 Suez Canal finished
1868 Meiji Restoration
1867 Austria-Hungary formed
1867 Austro-Prussian War
1867 Das Kapital published
1865 Abraham Lincoln assassinated
1865 Alice in Wonderland Published
1864 Second Schleswig War
1861-1865 American Civil War
1861 Italy proclaimed (Without Rome)
1859 Origin of Species published
1858 Fashion, House of Worth established
1857-1860 Second Opium War
1857 Indian Rebellion of 1857
1856-1857 Anglo-Persian War
1853-1856 Crimean War
1853 John Snow tracks cholera outbreak
1853 Japan open to English trade
1853 Orange free state recognized
1852-1853 Second Anglo-Burmese War
1850-1864 Taiping Rebellion
1848 Revolutions of 1848
1845-1852 Great Irish Potato Famine
1840 British Slavery abolished
1839-1842 First Opium War
1839-1842 First Anglo-Afghan War
1825 London biggest city in the world
1810-1825 Venezuelan War of Independence
1808-1833 Spanish American wars of independence
1803-1815 Napoleonic Wars
1791-1804 Haitian Revolution