Differences on Julia Ashburn's Ledger (was Julia Ashburn's New Economy Overview)
This page is the final conversionLedger of Lady Gallorett's estatesincome and household.
Note that the Occult Laboratory special is pending, and might impact the staff if it has different requirements from what is projected herespendings, including rules-relevant income rolls.
==== NoteIncome Rolls ====
* Dropped [[setting/18 Maiden Lane]]. Either [[setting/Miss Faye]] moves into Halpine House or Cherrypond Mansion, or she simply sorts out her own living situation.Fixed income: 450
* Business roll: 6 dice, difficulty 1 x 40 pounds x economic factor (([[setting/Baddow Fields Power Station]]: Agent 4 + Benefits 1 + Managing Director))
* Business roll: 4 dice, difficulty 1 x 20 pounds x economic factor (([[setting/Reskin & Co.]]: Agent 4))
* Fixed expenses: -401
* [[setting/Miss Litgate]] starts out at Skill 3 due to her being a scientist and not an occultist. Eventually I want her to grow into Skill 4 and become an Agent depending on story/interest. ((Pending write-out of Occult Laboratory / Workshop special.))
* There is much internal hemming and hawing about:
* adding a second Library Component, which would cost**Monthly Change = 49 +8/m (with the footman option) or (6 dice x 40) +9/m (with the maid option).
* Removing the stables from Cherrypond Mansion. Which would make -5/m.
* ((Both of these options are hemmed and hawed about due to perceived inability to add them to the estate later)) (4 dice x 20)**
==== Summarized figures ====
Summary of components and staff, ignoring estate divisions. Summed figures include [[setting/Halpine House]], [[setting/Bridewater Manor]], and [[setting/Cherrypond Mansion]]:
^^ Income ^^ ||
|| || ||
^^ Base || 250/m ||
^^ Investment || 40200/m ||
^^ Businesses || 96~100/m ||
^^ || ||
^^ Total Income || **386~550/m** ||
^^ Expenses ^^ ||
|| || ||
^^ Estate components || 110120/m ||
^^ Estate staff || 173194/m ||
^^ Other expenses || 6087/m ||
^^ || ||
^^ Total Expenses || **343401/m** ||
**Cash flow: 386~550 - 343401= ~+43149/m**
==== Details of Summary ====
---- Income ----
* Base: 250/m
* Investment 2: 405: 200/m
* Business 3: 803 ([[setting/Baddow Fields Power Station]]): ~80/m
* Business 1: 162 ([[setting/Reskin & Co.]]): ~20/m
**Total income: 386~550/m**
---- Estate Components ----
* 6x Living Component: 30/m
* 4x Receiving Component: 20/m
* 1x Dining Component: 5/m
* 3x Garden Component: 15/m
* 2x Stables Component: 10/m
* 1x StablesHothouse: 10/m
* 1x Special Location: 10/m
* 1x Occult Laboratory/Workshop: 10/m
* 1x Library Component: 5/m
* 1x Hothouse: 10/m
* 1x Special Location: 10/m
* 1x Occult Laboratory/Workshop: 10/m
* 1x Library Component: 5/m
* 1x Country EstatAtelier Component: 5/m
* 1x Country Estate: 10/m
Subtotal: 120130/m
Country Estate Discount: -10/m \\ (2 Living , 1 Receiving, 1 Garden Component)
**Total component expenses: 110120/m**
---- Staff ----
* 1 head gardener: 10/m
* 4 gardeners: 28/m
* 2 (Skill 3): 14/m
* 12 drivers: 10/m
* 1 groom: 5/m
* 1 groom: 5 //(Replaces a stable boy)//
* 1 stableboy: 1/m
* 3 garden boys: 3/m
Male serving:
* 1 butler: 10/m
* 1 (Skill 3): 7/m
* 1 first footman: 5/m
* 1 second footman: 5/m
* 34 footmen: 912/m
Female serving:
* 1 housekeeper: 8/m
* 2 underhousekeepers: 12/m
* 1 (Skill 3): 6/m
* 12 ladies maids: 12/m
* 1 laboratory maid: 6/m
* 34/m //(Non-required extra)//
* 4 (Skill 2): 1216/m
* 1 head housemaid: 4/m
* 1213 maids: 2426/m
* 1 cook: 6/m
* 1 kitchen maid: 2/m
* 1 girl: 1/m
Subtotal: 182205/m
Country Estate Discount: -9.5/m (411.5/m \\ (1 Underhousekeeper, 3 Maids, 1 Footman, 1 Gardener, 1 Boy)
**Total estate staff: 173194/m**
---- Agents ----
* Mr. McFlite[[setting/Mr. McFlite]]. (Skill 5): 15/m
* Miss Steele[[setting/Miss Steele]]. (Skill 4): 8/m
* Mr. Vex[[setting/Mr. Vex]]. (Skill 4): 10/m
* [[setting/Miss O'Kearney]] (Skill 4): 8/m
Subtotal: 3341/m
---- Horses ----
* 2 carriage horses ([[setting/R&C Landau Custom]]): 4/m
* 2 carriage horses (???): 4/m
* 2 riding horses ([[setting/Helia]], [[setting/Pandia]]): 4/m
(Capacity 6/8)
Subtotal: 812/m
---- Non-staff ----
* Groundskeeper: 7/m
* Mr. Lake[[setting/Mr. Lake]]: 7/m
* [[setting/Miss Connel]]: 4/m
* [[setting/Miss Thompkins]]: 6/m
Subtotal: 1424/m
---- Misc. Expenses ----
* Coterie Club: 5/m
* Mortgage [[setting/Zhang Family Compound]]: 5/m
* Running till 1908-02 (30 years from 1878-02)
Subtotal: 510/m
**Total other expenses: 6087/m**