Differences on Julia Ashburn's Ledger
This page is the Ledger of Lady Gallorett's income and spendings, including rules-relevant income rolls.
==== Income Rolls ====
* Fixed income: 450
* Business roll: 6 dice, difficulty 1 x 40 pounds x economic factor (([[setting/Baddow Fields Power Station]]: Agent 4 + Benefits 1 + Managing Director))
* Business roll: 4 dice, difficulty 1 x 20 pounds x economic factor (([[setting/Reskin & Co.]]: Agent 4))
* Fixed expenses: -356401
* **Monthly Change = 9449 + (6 dice x 40) + (4 dice x 20)**
==== Summarized figures ====
Summary of components and staff, ignoring estate divisions. Summed figures include [[setting/Halpine House]], [[setting/Bridewater Manor]], and [[setting/Cherrypond Mansion]]:
^^ Income ^^ ||
|| || ||
^^ Base || 250/m ||
^^ Investment || 200/m ||
^^ Businesses || ~100/m ||
^^ || ||
^^ Total Income || **~550/m** ||
^^ Expenses ^^ ||
|| || ||
^^ Estate components || 110120/m ||
^^ Estate staff || 173194/m ||
^^ Other expenses || 7387/m ||
^^ || ||
^^ Total Expenses || **356401/m** ||
**Cash flow: ~550 - 356 401= ~+194149/m**
==== Details of Summary ====
---- Income ----
* Base: 250/m
* Investment 5: 200/m
* Business 3 ([[setting/Baddow Fields Power Station]]): ~80/m
* Business 2 ([[setting/Reskin & Co.]]): ~20/m
**Total income: ~550/m**
---- Estate Components ----
* 6x Living Component: 30/m
* 4x Receiving Component: 20/m
* 1x Dining Component: 5/m
* 3x Garden Component: 15/m
* 2x Stables Component: 10/m
* 1x StablesHothouse: 10/m
* 1x Special Location: 10/m
* 1x Occult Laboratory/Workshop: 10/m
* 1x Library Component: 5/m
* 1x Hothouse: 10/m
* 1x Special Location: 10/m
* 1x Occult Laboratory/Workshop: 10/m
* 1x Library Component: 5/m
* 1x Country EstatAtelier Component: 5/m
* 1x Country Estate: 10/m
Subtotal: 120130/m
Country Estate Discount: -10/m \\ (2 Living , 1 Receiving, 1 Garden Component)
**Total component expenses: 110120/m**
---- Staff ----
* 1 head gardener: 10/m
* 4 gardeners: 28/m
* 2 (Skill 3): 14/m
* 12 drivers: 5/m
* 1 groom: 10/m
* 1 groom: 5/m //(Replaces a stable boy)//
* 1 stableboy: 1/m
* 3 garden boys: 3/m
Male serving:
* 1 butler: 10/m
* 1 (Skill 3): 7/m
* 1 first footman: 5/m
* 1 second footman: 5/m
* 34 footmen: 912/m
Female serving:
* 1 housekeeper: 8/m
* 2 underhousekeepers: 12/m
* 1 (Skill 3): 6/m
* 12 ladies maid: 6s: 12/m
* 1 laboratory maid: 4/m //(Non-required extra)//
* 34 (Skill 2): 1216/m
* 1 head housemaid: 4/m
* 1213 maids: 2426/m
* 1 cook: 6/m
* 1 kitchen maid: 2/m
* 1 girl: 1/m
Subtotal: 184205/m
Country Estate Discount: -11.5/m \\ (1 Underhousekeeper, 3 Maids, 1 Footman, 1 Gardener, 1 Boy)
**Total estate staff: 173194/m**
---- Agents ----
* Mr. McFlite[[setting/Mr. McFlite]]. (Skill 5): 15/m
* Miss Steele[[setting/Miss Steele]]. (Skill 4): 8/m
* Mr. Vex[[setting/Mr. Vex]]. (Skill 4): 10/m
* [[setting/Miss O'Kearney]] (Skill 4): 8/m
Subtotal: 41/m
---- Horses ----
* 2 carriage horses ([[setting/R&C Landau Custom]]): 4/m
* 2 carriage horses (???): 4/m
* 2 riding horses ([[setting/Helia]], [[setting/Pandia]]): 4/m
(Capacity 4/46/8)
Subtotal: 812/m
---- Non-staff ----
* Groundskeeper: 7/m
* Mr. Lake[[setting/Mr. Lake]]: 7/m
* [[setting/Miss Connel]]: 4/m
* [[setting/Miss Thompkins]]: 6/m
Subtotal: 1424/m
---- Misc. Expenses ----
* Coterie Club: 5/m
* Mortgage [[setting/Zhang Family Compound]]: 5/m
* Running till 1908-02 (30 years from 1878-02)
Subtotal: 10/m
**Total other expenses: 7387/m**