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Differences on Julia Ashburn's Ledger (was Julia Ashburn's Economic Rework (Executive Work))

Differences between by and the current version
This page summarizedis the "First attempt" from [[Julia AshburnLedger of Lady Gallorett's Economic Rework]]income and spendings, including rules-relevant income rolls. ==== AssumptionIncome Rolls ==== * Economic Factor is set at 1. * One estate is designated as primary estate. Head Housemaids and Underbutlers are only necessary for the nonFixed income: 450 * Business roll: 6 dice, difficulty 1 x 40 pounds x economic factor (([[setting/Baddow Fields Power Station]]: Agent 4 + Benefits 1 + Managing Director)) * Business roll: 4 dice, difficulty 1 x 20 pounds x economic factor (([[setting/Reskin & Co.]]: Agent 4)) * Fixed expenses: -primary estates. * Additional managementment staf do not count towards "every full five". * Additional management staff counts towards "5401 * **Monthly Change = 49 + staff" with respect to kitchen management. * Additional mangement staff is rating 2 staff. * It is not possible to "disable" components so one does not have to pay for them. This summary differs from the original figures by a few pound. I don't really care at this point in time, the difference is negligible.(6 dice x 40) + (4 dice x 20)** ==== Summarized figures ==== Summary of components and staff, ignoring estate divisions. Summed figures include [[setting/Halpine House]], [[setting/18 Maiden Lane]], [[setting/Bridewater Manor]], and [[setting/Cherrypond Mansion]]: [cols] ^^ Income ^^ || || || || ^^ Base || 100250/m || ^^ Investment || 40200/m || ^^ 3 Businesses || 50~100/m || ^^ || || ^^ Total Income || **190~550/m** || [col] ^^ Expenses ^^ || || || || ^^ Estate components || 120/m || ^^ Estate staff || 183194/m || ^^ Ghouls/Retainers/StaffOther expenses || 3587/m || ^^ Misc. Exs|| || ^^ Total Expenses || 5/m || ^^ || || ^^ Total Expenses || **343**401/m** || [/cols] **Cash flow: 190~550 - 343 401= -153~+149/m** ==== Details of Summary ==== ---- Income ---- * Base: 100250/m * Investment 3: 405: 200/m * Business 2: 123 ([[setting/Baddow Fields Power Station]]): ~80/m * Business 3: 30/m (includes 1 benefit point) * Business 1: 82 ([[setting/Reskin & Co.]]): ~20/m **Total income: 190~550/m** [cols] ---- Estate Components ---- * 76x Living Component: 35/m * 530/m * 4x Receiving Component: 2520/m * 1x Dining Component: 5/m * 3x Garden Component: 15/m * 2x DiningStables Component: 10/m * 3x Stables1x Hothouse: 10/m * 1x Special Location: 10/m * 1x Occult Laboratory/Workshop: 10/m * 1x Library Component: 15/m * 3x5/m * 1x Atelier Component: 5/m * 1x Country Estate: 10/m Subtotal: 130/m Country Estate Discount: -10/m \\ (2 Living , 1 Receiving, 1 Garden Component: 15/m * 1x Art Component: 10/m * 1x Special Location: 10/m) **Total component expenses: 120/m** [col] ---- Staff ---- Outside: * 1 head gardener: 10/m * 4 gardeners: 28/m * 2 (Skill 3): 14/m * 2 drivers: 10/m * 1 groom: 5/m //(Replaces a stable boy)// * 1 stableboy: 1/m * 3 garden boys: 3/m Male serving: * 1 butler: 10/m * 1 (Skill 3): 7/m * 1 first footman: 5/m * 1 second footman: 5/m * 4 footmen: 12/m Female serving: * 1 housekeeper: 8/m * 2 underhousekeepers: 12/m * 1 (Skill 3): 6/m * 2 ladies maids: 12/m * 1 laboratory maid: 4/m //(Non-required extra)// * 4 (Skill 2): 16/m * 1 head housemaid: 4/m * 13 maids: 26/m Kitchen: * 1 cook: 6/m * 1 kitchen maid: 2/m * 1 girl: 1/m Subtotal: 205/m Country Estate Staff ---- * 1 butler: 10/m * 2 underbutler: 14/m * 1 male additional: 5/m * 5 footmen: 15/m *Discount: -11.5/m \\ (1 Underhousekeeper, 3 gardener: 21/m * 1 driver: 5/m * 2 groom: 10/m * 3 boy: 3/m * 1 Housekeeper: 8/m * 2 ladies maid: 12/m * 3 head housemaid: 12/m * 2 additional femalMaids, 1 Footman, 1 Gardener, 1 Boy) **Total estate staff: 8/m * 20 maids: 40/m * 4 cook: 18/m * 2 girl: 2/m **Total estate staff: 183194/m** [col] ---- Ghouls/Retainers/StaffAgents ---- * Annette. Genie (rated ???): 0/m * Mr. McFlite. Agent (rated[[setting/Mr. McFlite]]. (Skill 5): 15/m * Miss Steele. Library (rated 5[[setting/Miss Steele]]. (Skill 4): 8/m * [[setting/Mr. Vex]]. (Skill 4): 10/m * Mr. Vex. Chief Investigator (rated[[setting/Miss O'Kearney]] (Skill 4): 8/m Subtotal: 41/m ---- Horses ---- * 2 carriage horses ([[setting/R&C Landau Custom]]): 4/m * 2 carriage horses (???): 4/m * 2 riding horses ([[setting/Helia]], [[setting/Pandia]]): 4/m (Capacity 6/8) Subtotal: 12/m ---- Non-staff ---- * Groundskeeper: 7/m * [[setting/Mr. Lake]]: 7/m * [[setting/Miss Connel]]: 4/m * [[setting/Miss Thompkins]]: 6/m Subtotal: 24/m ---- Misc. Expenses ---- * Coterie Club: 5/m * Mortgage [[setting/Zhang Family Compound]]: 5/m * Running till 1908-02 (30 years from 1878-02) Subtotal: 10/m **Total other staff: 35/m** ---- Misc. Expenses ---- * Coterie Club: 5/m * Miss Faye: ??? (assuming 0/m) **Total misc. expenses: 587/m** [/cols]