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Differences on Julia Ashburn's OOC notes

Differences between by and the current version
Page for arbitrary OOC notes with regards to Lady Gallorett and related topics. ==== Thaumaturgy Themes ==== After some discussion, it was discovered that it is best of some overarching themes are present to guide the kinds of rituals that Lady Gallorett learns. The themes are, by neccessity, somewhat abstract, but are not meant to provide closing coverage over the whole world. They are "clouds of concept". * **Occult Entities & Mythical Creatures**: Rituals that have to do with supernatural entities and imaginary beings. They might influence, summon, emulate, or outright create and change them, or even just contact them. * **Relations**: Rituals that have to do with the relations between people, between people and things, or between things. This is somewhat abstract, but should not be interpreted as "I interact with it, so there is a relation between me and the thing," it is meant to cover curses, adjustments to relations between two parties, and so forth. * **Weird Science**: Magical science. The creation of devices, machines, and mechanisms that transcend the boundaries of mundane science, but still operate as if they are based on sound principle. ==== Tagged things ==== Data that is tagged with [[tags/brend:stub]]:**Stubs** [show] Tag [[brend:stub]] [/show] Data that is tagged with [[tags/brend:wip]]:**Work in Progress** [show] Tag [[brend:wip]] [/show] ==== Economic Conversion Notes ==== * Dropped [[setting/18 Maiden Lane]]. ~~Either [[setting/Miss Faye]] moves into Halpine House or Cherrypond Mansion, or~~ she simply sorts out her own living situation.~~ She remains living in 18 Maiden Lane for now, until I might "reclaim" 18 Maiden Lane later on at an estimated cost of ~26/m since the staff situation is tolerable if more staff is already present. * [[setting/Miss Litgate]] (should it be Mrs. Litgate?) starts out at Skill 3 due to her being a scientist and not an occultist. Eventually I want her to grow into Skill 4 and become an Agent depending on story/interest. ==== OOC Limbo ==== NPCs and other things temporarily placed into OOC limbo: * [[setting/Esther Wakefield]] * [[setting/18 Maiden Lane]] * [[setting/Edna Porter]] * [[setting/Maud Pritchard]] * [[setting/Sally Williams]]