Differences on Romano di Grimani's Property And Retainers
==== Estates ====
* [[setting/The Night's Watch Gallery]]
* [[setting/The Green Lantern Inn]]
* Room in [[Setting/The Barracks]]
==== Clothing ====
---- Suits ----
* Italian Suit by Miss Gladstone (50 pounds, 4 successes)
* Best Man suit (50 pounds)
* Fringed Party Suit
---- Costumes ----
* Workers' clothing
* Damaged appleCat costume
* Cat costume
* PersianPersian costume (20 Pounds)
* Hooved Pan Outfit with glitters and horns (50 pounds)
* Future Suit (50 pounds plus 50 pounds for materials and hat with light.)
---- Other Clothing ----
* Outdoor Clothing
* Uniform in the style of the Kingdom of Italy, 50 pounds (5 successes) Green and gold with a large feathered pit helmet.
==== Weapons ====
* Werewolf paws (+1 accuracy, damage strength +1, 3 parry DVattacks per round max, jacket concealable)
* Blessed Sword (Damage Strength + 2, defence +1 parry DV, 2 attacks per round max, trench coat concealable)
* Silver Sword (Damage Strength + 2, defence +1 parry DV, 2 attacks per round max, trench coat concealable)
==== Misc. Items ====
* Painted carriage (5 successes) with two race horses (2000 pounds).
==== Retainers ====
* [[setting/Sir Hanagan]], Agent
**The Greens**
* [[setting/Thomas Bane]]
* [[setting/Johan]]
==== Sold and Gifted Paintings ====
---- Orders ----
---- Concept Art ----
---- Gallery ----
**Main Entrance**
* "The Night's Watch" (5 successes)
**Religious Art**
* Three Churches Diptitc Series (5 successes)
* "Equal Before the Lord" Church Services for the High and Mighty (4 successes)
* "Equal Before the Lord" Working Class Church Services (6 successes)
* "Saint Charity"([[setting/Lady Charity]], 6 successes)
* "Saint Chastity" ([[setting/Miss Callington]], 10 successes.)
* "Saint Kindness" ([[setting/Lady Eagleton]] (8 successes)
Side wall, divine women:
* Maria in the stables (5 successes, very nice frame)
* Eva in the botanic garden (5 successes, very nice frame)
* Maria Magdalena in the restored lands (7 successes, very nice frame)
* Jezebel's intrigues (2 successes, very nice frame)
* Esther and Ruth in the Lord's bedroom (5 successes, very nice frame)
* Lot's suffocating pillar (5 successes, very nice frame)
* Samson loses his hair (5 successes, very nice frame)
**Portrait Gallery (1/2 room)**
* [[setting/Lady Yolanda]] cannot be Cheered (6 successes) (repaired)
* "Innocence Accused" (Lady Eagleton) (3 successes)
* "A Rest-ful Christmas" (5 successes)
**The Real London (1/2 room)**
* Worker's Meeting (4 successes)
* "Crime Passionnel" (4 successes)
* Dentist Buying Teeth (7 successes)
* Sock puppet painting (6 successes)
---- Sold and Gifted Paintings ----
* Old man smoking a pipe. (2 successes) (sold) (slashed)
* Sandwich on the Tap (5 successes) (sold)
* Girl in Alley (4 successes) (sold)
* Man hanging in rope (5 successes) (sold)
* Family Making Matchboxes by Candlelight (4 successes) (sold)
* Hunchback Cannot Pay (5 successes) (sold)
* The Wealth of the Church (5 successes) (sold)
* Botanical Beauty (6 successes) (gifted to Lady Galorett)
* Faces lit up by electricity (4 successes) (Gifted to Sir Berkeley)
* Electrocution (4 successes) (Gifted to [[setting/Sir Berkeley]])
* Machine Man (4 successes) (Gifted to [[setting/Sir Berkeley]])
* Shaking down a thief (boy upside down) (5 successes) (sold?)
* Cardigan's Folly (5 successes) (sold to [[setting/Sir Bingley]])
* Cartoons: [[setting/Lady Yolanda]] as Achlys. (5 successes) (sold to [[setting/Lady Gallorett]])
* Portrait of [[setting/Miss Edith]] (4 successes) (gifted to the Northals)
* Portrait of [[setting/Lady Matilda]] (7 successes) (gifted to the Northals)
* Miss Callington's medallion (4 successes) (gifted to [[setting/Miss Callington]])
* A landscape for the Prince (8 successes, 20 pound frame)
* HMS Britannia (7 successes) (sold to [[setting/Lord Falkland]])
* Mini paintings from Lord Oakley's gallery (4 successes) (sold by [[setting/Lord Oakley]].)
* "The Pure Virgin Mary", Commission for Bishop Smith.(4 successes, 3 pound frame.)
* "Smokestacks of London" (commission for Sir Price, 6 successes)
* "The horseraces" (commission for Sir Bingley, 6 successes)
* "Beauty of Youth", commission for Mr. van Gelderen. (4 successes)
* "Miss Gladstone", commission for Sir Crosswick.(3 successes.)
* "Bespoke Gentleman" (commission for Lord Hertford, 3 successes).
* "Aphrodite" ([[setting/Lady Matilda]]) (5 successes) (sold to [[setting/Lady Gallorett]])
* [[setting/Sir Dawson]]'s Rod (3 successes) (sold)
* Made and delivered statues for the Christmas Ball, they are in the gardens:
* A chained cerebrus of marble. (9 successes)
* The Ageless Angel (Lady Sitas). (5 successes)
* An Angel Grows Her Wings. (6 successes)
* The Gossipmonger (6 successes, gifted to [[setting/Sir Purden]] in exchange for a favour)