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Differences on Miss Gladstone Magic Item Emporium

Differences between by and the current version
==== Non-magical ancient emporium ==== * An original copy of Book of Ingenious Devices in Arabic, containing around 100 device descriptions. * Ancient greek mechanical Dove, capable of flight when filled properly with compressed air, complete with blueprints. ((Might be broken, depending on treasure preservation properties)) * Historical Jewellery * Gold leaf leatherbound king james bible (200 pound) ==== Boots of Hermes ==== All magic items approved. Rating: 2 A set of exquisite brown leather booths, coming up to the heels. They carry no embroidery, no decorations, only style. They are sleek, having an aura of speed about them. Their dead giveaway however is a pair of silver wings firmly attached to the sides of each shoe. These are boots made in the image of Hermes. Whoever wears the shoes is aided in their sneakery. If a cat can stand on it, so can you. Wearing these boots you can stand on a clothesline, or on a fence without damaging it. If you are totally more than 300 pounds (or 22 stone, or 140kg), the boots can no longer support you and no longer work. ==== Glasses of Androkles ==== Rating: 2 Two transparent green stones adorn a silver frame. The glasses give a green vision that was thought to be healthy for eyesight in the ancient days. When you use them as a seer you can see outlines of people through walls, such as those of a spa, but only through half a meter of wall. As a kindred, this can be used by seeing aura's where before you could not. The outlines of the aura also tell you something about the shape behind them. You can't make out fine details such as jewellery but you can make out long hair versus short hair, or whether there's a cane. **History**: A set of lenses was originally created by the lone philosopher Androkles. He used this for dubious purposes for several years before word of his invention became more widespread, at which point he was soon stabbed and the lenses passed through various thieves and generals until they were eventually put in a frame and ended up in the treasure. ==== Pharaoh's curse ==== Rating: 1 An ornate golden ankh that has an image of a jackal on it, dedicated to Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead. The ankh was created to guard the deceased, though it was bested by the 14th set of grave robbers that attempted to loot its tomb. After a burial ritual is performed the Ankh will guard the dead who rest there. This can be 1 person, or a husband and wife. The ankh will sick the pharaoh's curse on anyone who disturbs the sleep of the dead. The ritual must take at least two hours, requires someone to monologue for ten minutes and the depositing of a statue resembling a cat. An intruder who enters the protected chamber whilst the ankh is active is cursed with a compulsion to run out of the building and jump in a body of water. If they overcome this compulsion they will find themselves unable to lift the body of the deceased out of the room, or to desecrate it. The compulsion to run out can be overcome by spending a willpower. The inability to lift the body out can be overcome by for example destroying the ankh. ==== Helen of Troy's lock Locket ==== Rating: 1 Helen of Troy's Enchanted Locket. This golden locket was a cherished possession of Helen of Troy, and was said to have been a gift from her husband King Menelaus. The locket contains a strand of Helen's hair, which has been imbued with a powerful enchantment. As long as someone wears the amulet they will always remain attractive when their appearance has somehow been tarnished. If their clothes are ripped, they will rip in a flatting manner. If they get covered in dirt, they will look sympathetic rather than rancid. ((Full disclosure, heavily inspired by Ilfrean Geisha Graceful Misfortune power)) ==== Item of curse and Discord ==== Rating: 3 The Sceptre of Discord. This ancient Greek magic item is a sceptre, believed to have been created by the goddess of discord and strife, Eris. The sceptre is imbued with powerful magic, capable of laying a curse on its target. The curse causes the subject to become confused and disoriented, causing them to confuse a specific person of your choosing for the rest of the evening. This confusion lasts until the next dawn. To use the sceptre and confuse two people with each other you need to have the target in sight, and the specific person in mind, meaning you have to seen the specific person to be confused before. You must roll a (Manipulation + Subterfuge) at difficulty 7. Familiarity between the two people increases the difficulty of the roll, where people who have known each other for a week are difficulty 7 and a husband and wife would be difficulty 10. The sceptre was believed to have been created by Eris to spread chaos and discord among the mortals, and was considered a powerful tool for those who sought to cause trouble and bring about conflict.