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Miss Gladstone Magic Item Emporium

Miss Gladstone's Treasure Share
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Non-magical ancient emporium

(( Mechanical finackery of ancient persions/greeks/chinese. ))

  • An original copy of Book of Ingenious Devices in Arabic, containing around 100 device descriptions.
  • Ancient greek mechanical Dove, capable of flight when filled properly with compressed air, complete with blueprints. (( Might be broken, depending on treasure preservation properties ))
  • Historical Jewellery

Boots of Hermes

Rating: 2

A set of exquisite brown leather booths, coming up to the heels. They carry no embroidery, no decorations, only style. They are sleek, having an aura of speed about them. Their dead giveaway however is a pair of silver wings firmly attached to the sides of each shoe. These are boots made in the image of Hermes. Whoever wears the shoes is aided in their sneakery.

If a cat can stand on it, so can you. Wearing these boots you can stand on a clothesline, or on a fence without damaging it.

Glasses of Ancient Greek

(( Make a custom name and backstory. Lets you see auras through walls. ))

Item of curse and Discord

(( A sceptre from ancient Greece. Gives the power to lay a curse on someone to sow discord. The subject will confuse a specific person for the rest of the evening. They can eventually break free. ))

Cleopatras carpet

(( Can roll any person or body into the carpet and then the carpet can still be carried by 1 person. Hides the person from outsiders. They can't see out, though they can hear muffled sounds. Anyone inside can hear muffled sounds on the outside, perception rolls are made at +2 difficulty for hearing. ))

Person sized persian carpet. The carpet can hold 1 person. Person can come out by a 'release ritual', which at least involves unrolling the carpet while speaking the release word.))

Pharaoh's curse

(( An ankh or something that protects the chamber of the owner who rests in it. Sicks some 'curse of the pharaoh's on who ever violates the restee. ))

Has to be activated by a burial ritual on a place of resting. Then guards the dead who rest there. Can be 1 person, or a husband/wife duo.))

An intruder who enters the protected chamber whilst the ankh is active is cursed with a compulsion to run out of the building and jump in a body of water.