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Julia Ashburn's OOC notes

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Old version of Julia Ashburn's OOC notes
Table of Contents

Page for arbitrary OOC notes with regards to Lady Gallorett and related topics.


  • Add Mr. Vex (investigative retainer)
  • Add Miss Litgate (laboratory assistant)
  • Determine value of gift jewellery from Lady Norfolk, as well as Egyptian pieces
  • Determine correct style for underbutlers/underhousekeepers (assuming the same as butlers and housekeepers, for now)
  • After rules changes:
    • Fix "who answers to who" when correct servant are in place
    • Finish up all estates with a description of amenities and peculiarities

Todo data

Data that is tagged with brend:todo:

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OOC Limbo

NPC and other things temporarily placed into OOC limbo:

WIP data

Data that is tagged with brend:wip:

List of LG's Staff and other Employees on Wiki