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Old version of Bajoran

The Bajoran religion forms the cornerstone of the Bajoran culture and centers on the worship of enigmatic beings known as the Prophets, who live in the Celestial Temple (the Bajoran Wormhole). Through their sacred texts and hundreds of prophecies recorded over the ages, Bajorans attempt to understand the will of the Prophets and live according to their wisdom. An elaborate hierarchy of religious officials—ranjens, prylars, and vedeks, all under the guidance of the kai—guides and teaches the Bajorans and participates in planetary government via the Vedek Assembly.

The most recent major event to shape modern Bajor was the sixty-year long Cardassian occupation. The Vedek Assembly went into hiding, and its first act was to abolish the D’jarra caste system, making all Bajorans caste-less and therefore able to handle weapons. The Bajoran Resistance movement was quickly formed. After sixty years of resistance, under internal pressure, the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor, and the Bajorans, with a crippled economy, petitioned the Federation for aid, leading to the discovery of the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant and a move towards becoming a member of the Federation.

Personality: Most Bajorans were peaceful, contemplative people who simply wish to live in peace with their family and neighbors. The Cardassian occupation, however, turned many Bajorans into ruthless, passionate soldiers willing to do anything to protect their homeworld from threats to its independence and security.

Physical Description: Bajorans possess the same average height, weight, and variations in skin tone and hair color as Humans. The only outward physical difference is a series of vertical ridges along the bridge of the nose. Most Bajorans wear distinctive earrings on their right ears to display their devotion to the Prophets. In times past, the design of the earring also revealed a Bajoran’s caste, but many modern Bajorans have discarded that tradition.

Example Names: Bajorans place their given name second, and their family name first. For example, Kira Nerys, Kira is her family name. Winn Adami, Ro Laren, Shakaar Pol, and Anjohl Edon are some other examples.

Bajoran Species Traits

  • +2 Charisma. Bajorans are naturally beautiful and charismatic
  • Medium-sized: As Medium-size creatures, Bajorans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Bajoran base speed is 30 feet.
  • Willful: Since the occupation of their planet, Bajorans have shown an inner strength of will. Bajorans have a +3 species bonus to Will saving throws.
  • Artistic: Bajorans are generally artistic, and most Bajorans practice some form of artistic expression as a hobby. Bajorans always consider the Craft skill a class skill, no matter what class they are and gain a +2 species bonus to all Craft skills they have at least one rank in.

* Faithful: Religion permeates Bajoran society as every child learns to respect the Prophets and their teachings. Even those who reject the Prophets can cite quotes from the Sacred Texts and know the proper rituals. Bajorans gain a +2 species bonus to Knowledge (religion) checks.

* Automatic Language: Bajoran.