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Old version of Romulan

About fifty-six years after Surak, the father of Vulcan philosophy, began to teach Vulcans how to suppress their emotions and began leading them towards a society of logic, a large group of thousands of expatriate Vulcans followed their leader, Tellus, on an epic journey across the quadrant. Eventually a wormhole swallowed their fleet, depositing it hundreds of light-years away. They founded a new homeworld there, Romulus.

In Romulan society, military/political rank influences social standing. Because Romulans were members of a militaristic civilization, who considered defending the Romulan Empire and their own personal honor of foremost importance, military service and its accompanying rank were decisive factors in determining social eminence. However, while the military played an important role in Romulan society, it was the Romulan Senate that controlled the government.

By the 24th century, the government of Romulus was dependent upon the Tal Shiar, the Romulan secret police, to maintain order and stability among both civilians and the military. The Tal Shiar was known for its brutal tactics, which included routine kidnapping, torture, and assassination. Many Romulans feared even expressing dissenting opinions in order to not bring the attention of the Tal Shiar. There were also indications that tension existed between the military and the Tal Shiar. Both males and females could command warships, obtain high political positions, and could be members of the Tal Shiar.

Romulan society was based upon a highly structured caste system. Unlike most of the highly evolved species in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, Romulans still practiced slavery, in this case of the Remans, which they used for slave labor and as shock troops.

Romulans tended to be highly xenophobic, engaging in extended periods of isolationism, and could be perceived as outright racist to other species, believing themselves to be superior. At least some Romulans believed that, one day, the Romulan Empire would rule the entire galaxy and that Humans would be extinct.

Personality: Romulans tend to be passionate yet self- disciplined. They are unusually aggressive and chauvinistic. Many Romulans enjoy duels and blood sports, some of which would be considered cruel and sadistic by Federation standards. They tend to be motivated by betterment of the Empire.

Physical Description: Romulans are biologically cousins to Vulcans, often with a slight cranial bulge. Their ears have the same point, and their eyebrows have the same distinctive upward slant. Their skin and hair colors have roughly the same range.

Example Names: Telek Jarok, Morror Dar, Sela Pardek, Taris Gaius.