Differences on Pending Page (was Sheiva Vark'el)
Comparing to a removed version
Almost never seen withoutThree years before Avalon fell, the man who calls himself Sheiva Vark'el found himself lost in the star system. He was found by an excavation team cooperated by the Diamond to look into an Atlantean Ruin. After incapacitating the team, he discovered that he was not on the planet that he had originally been on. Lost and in an unknown territory, he was convinced by one of his armor, this warrior is knowcaptured victims that it would be a better, more ideal solution for him to work with them and possibly find his relentlessness andway back than to go off on his brutality. Since becomingown (though in truth, the ladder was probably more concerned that he would take their ship and leave them stranded).
Seeing merit in their words, he chose to assist them in their excavation. Fortunately for all parties, while he was not familiar with the Ladder and the Guardians of the Veil, he knew enough about the Mysterium and Arrow to recognize those who were not enemies, and even knew the call signs to both of them to identify himself as an ally.
Despite the rocky start, eventually they were able to get a knight of Avalon,star map for him to look over to get back to his name exists on the lips of those who number the Avalonhome only for him... not to recognize where he was or what their systems look liked. With no reference for the way home, and no idea where he was - the local arrow caucus offered him another alternative of working with them while he looked for the way back to his home.
He's still looking - even while serving the arrow caucus of Avalon and becoming one of the knights. He took up the mantle as a sort of grim reaper in Avalon - a name that their enemies aswhispered in hushed words. Shiva the Destroyer, they called him - though a grim reaper and angel of deathmisunderstanding of what his name truly meant, it still held power and a reflection of who he was.
He's known to have a fascination with perfected materials and alloys. He's made and used a number of different armors based around different metals and their properties. Most people have never seen him without his armor on - he's taken few lovers, and his armor seems to bear some religious significance to him that he's loathe to take it off, especially when off world or in hostile territories.