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Old version of Asmar

Region: Uncharted Space (North Quadrant) System: Halstia System Moons: 3 (Lupine, Horus, Vanir) Physical Information Class: Terrestrial Atmosphere: Breathable Climate: Temperate Primary Terrain: Forests, Jungles, Mountains, Marine Native Species: Asmari, Undaru Primary Langauge(s): Thought-Speak, Amvar Government: Council of Kings Population: Roughly 12 Billion Demonym: Amvarian

Owner: Asmari


Asmar is a beautiful and luscious planet that is naturally inhabitable. It's surface is made up of about 40% of the surface is made up of landmass constituting it's continents and various islands. The other 60 percent is water, making up the seas, lakes, and rivers. While the surface of the planet has less water than earth, it's hydrosphere actually has a higher percentage of total mass, due to a a complex network of waterveins underground.

Asmar's climate ensures that the majority of the area is covered in vegetation, differentiating between grasslands and jungle qualities. At it's poles, the landmasses flora start to dwindle into a more arctic climate just as earth does. There are three major landmasses on the planet, each with unique variations of the planets flora and fauna.

Asmar includes many species of life, but none has a more major effect than the microorganisms that permeate throughout it, residing in every living thing and every one on the planet. These organisms are thought to read and project the thoughts of any being whose bloodstream they enter. This causes all life on the planet to project their thoughts and the images they see in their head.

Asmar is home to two sentient races - the Asmari, and the Undaru. The Asmari are the dominant race, and are native to the three continents that span the planet's surface. The Undaru on the other hand are an aquatic race whose cities lie underwater, in Asmar's ocean depths. The two races both interact with the thought-projecting microorganisms differently, and each holds vastly different technological advances - as well as a history of war between the two keeping them in their respective territories.

Asmari Technology and Cities

The Asmari cities are beautiful and ornate cities that are built around nature, rather than through it. Their energy comes from clean sources that align itself with the native flora. Their main energy source comes from light refraction using crystals and mirrors, though many of their homes find power from the kinetic energy created by water and wind power. Their designs tend to be fairly flowing and ornate as a result, bending and weaving in relation to the way the planet weaves. Their locks and password systems utilize the thought-projections of the species, as each individuals thought waves are unique like a fingerprint.

Their ships maintain this flowing and ornate design, with their fighter ships often looking like blades designed to pierce the heavens. They are made with metal plating and crystals designed to replicate their own skin, and thus alter their cosmetic design and serve as stealth ships when necessary. The insides of their ships contain the micro-organisms that create thought-projection, but only if the ship is made on Asmar - these microorganisms do not seem to be capable of surviving far away from Asmarian Flora and Fauna, meaning that ships docked on other alien vessels or from other worlds will quickly lose those microorganisms as the new air doesn't allow for these creature's propogation.