High Elf Kingdom in Decline
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Sithicus (SITH-uh-cuss), located in the southwestern Core, is a shattered elven kingdom, perhaps the only domain in the Land of Mists populated primarily by nonhumans. As might be expected, it's a land of ancient forests where the dense, leafy boughs above blot out the sun. The wilds are overgrown and treacherous, reeking constantly of wet decay and sickly sweet resin. Patches of briars and nettles form dense snarls, and the forest floor is slick with rotting leaves and moss. Mottled ivy and gray ferns grow everywhere, and pools of fetid water gather algae in the hollows. Fallen logs litter the forest floors, encrusted with florid, poisonous fungi. Rocky uplands peek out of the sweeping forest landscape here and there, providing roosts for great, russet eagles. The Musarde River and its tributaries cut through the domain's gently rolling terrain. Near the center of the domain is the jagged maw of the Great Chasm. Out of this sheer canyon rises a black peak topped by the ruins of Nedragaard Keep, the fortress of Sithicus's dwarven tyrant. Shattered several years ago in the Hour of Screaming Shadows, the cracked ruins now jut from the earth like blackened teeth. Ravens wheel forlornly about the towering shards, and some elves swear they've glimpsed mournful shades drifting around the ruins at night.
Elegant architecture was once prized by the elves of Sithicus, but today the domain's settlements are crumbling. The wonderous elven wood and crystal masonries are neglected and covered with ivy. Twisting towers of living wood are blighted with insect galls and rot, and the gardens stand choked with thistles and brambles. Roads that once glittered like an evening sky are dull and crumbling. The arcane libraries slowly rot under an assault of mildew and silverfish, yet the elven wizards seem oblivious. Temples to forgotten deities are charred and blasted as if from lightning, the holy names stricken.
The climate of Sithicus is temperate but mild. Although the sun often blazes cruelly in the late summer months, the elves are sheltered by the cool shadows of the forest.
Major Settlements
Har-Thelen (pop. 500), Hroth (pop. 900), Mal-Erek (pop. 500)
The People
Population: Elves (96%), Half-Elves (2%), Humans (1%), Other (1%).
Languages: Sithican*, Vaasi, Balok, Mordentish.
The overwhelming majority of Sithicans are high elves, though these Sithican elves speak their own unique language. Over the years, human merchants and craftsmen from Kartakass have settled in Sithicus, often marrying into elven houses of low station. Predictably, there is a growing population of half-elves in the domain, though more prestigious houses spurn these outcasts. Rumors persist of a tiny settlement of halflings in the Iron Hills of the northeast, but the region is considered by the elves to be haunted.
Sithican elves are grim, cold folk compared to the high elves found elsewhere in the Land of Mists. Their clothing is drab, the preferred colors being white, beige, ash, and gray-green. The deep adoration of nature and beauty is gone, replaced by solemn apathy. Sithican elves believe that their culture will survive, as it has done for centuries, no matter what troubles befall it. The domain's wicked monarchs may rise and fall, the petty problems of other realms may come and go, but Sithicus itself will endure. Denial tinges the elves cold aroogance; all around, the wonders of their culture are crumbling. They cling to their traditions dourly, draining them of meaning and suffocating their society for reasons they can no longer remember. Outsiders are treated with disdain or even hostility by the Sithican elves, who remain haughty and suspicious toward all other races and lands. Even humans who have dwelled in Sithicus for a generation or more are considered second-class citizens.
The Law
Sithicus is a despotic monarchy and aristocracy. Azrael Dak, a dwarven despot with unholy powers, rules Sithicus through sheer fear. The dwarf recently seized control of the domain from the black-hearted knight who once ruled from Nedragaard Keep. Although the knight was undeniably harsh to the Sithican elves, he cared little for his role as their monarch. Azrael has probed a much more monstrous tyrant. The dwarf governs erratically, appearing periodically in elven settlements, demanding tribute and slaughtering any who displease him. No explanation or excuse is ever given. The Sithican elves hate Azrael passionately but fear his wrath even more. The dwarf king commands troops of undead soldiers and is widely rumored to be a supernatural creature himself. Speculation abounds regarding Azrael's relationship with Sithicus's Vistani, whom he seems to envy, fear, and hate.
Azrael's presence aside, the Sithican elves adhere to the traditional loose elven aristocracy. Without a true elven monarch to unite them, however, relationships between settlements and noble houses can become tense and bitter. Each settlement is ruled by the word of the eldest elven noble, who governs lightly. There are houses for each task or role in elven society, though some are much more prestigious and powerful than others. The noble, rangers, and wizard houses are particularly prominent. Since the elves value their freedom above all else, laws are rare. Protecting the resources of the forest and the privacy of elven settlements are the primary priorities. Sithican militias are small but well trained and diversified, with fighters, rangers, and wizards in their ranks.
Trade and Diplomacy
Resources: Oats, cabbage, carrots, turnips, peppers, squash, peaches, grapes, sheep, goats, wine, spirits, timber, furs, salt, gems, crystal, cloth.
Coinage: Rose (gp), crown (sp), sword (cp).
Although suspicious and insular, Sithican elves have reaped the benefits of expanding trade with neighboring domains, particularly Kartakass. Thus, reluctantly and gradually, contact with other lands has increased. Merchants are eager to acquire the rare vegetables, spirits, hardwoods, and handicrafts the elves produce. Tiny settlements of human traders and laborers have begun to appear in Sithican territory, which angers the more isolationist elven houses. Azrael doesn't discourage such economic colonialism, however, as it benefits his own coffers.
There is a high number of elven wizards in the realm and no small amount of druids as well. Non-elven magic users are likely to face more suspicion but magic isn't uncommon.
Sithican heroes are usually bards, druids, fighters, rangers, or wizards. Most are high elves as well.