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Differences on Belenus

Differences between by and the current version
In many other worlds, Belenus is just one member of a wide pantheon of deities worshipped by Celtic tribes. In the Land of Mists, Belenus has become a central god in the religions of two otherwise unrelated cultures, one in [[Tepest]], the other in the [[Shadowlands]]. Unfortunately, both branches of the Belenus faith have developed a troubling common element: intolerance. Belenus is a sun god, like Ra, and the master of fire. His followers claim that Belenus bestows the life-giving light and heat of the sun on those who please him and withholds it from those who earn his wrath, cursing them with icy cold and darkness. Solar eclipses are seen as dire omens. In Tepest, Belenus worship exists as a rustic folk religion, and his clerics also venerate other patron deities from his pantheon. The faithful here often mingle their legends or Belenus and other gods with time-honored tales of shadow fey, ravenous goblins, and fiendish hags and witches. For generations, Tepestani clerics were content to watch over their small congregations, but this changed in the wake of the Grand Conjunction. Believing that the domains of [[G'Henna]] and [[Markovia]] had been destroyed by the fey, a village priest of Viktal, a man named Wyan, organized an inquisition to fight back against the fey. Fifteen years later, the inquisition continues and has sadly gained a reputation for being over-zealous. The clerics execute any "fey" they can catch and may include calibans, elves, half-elves, and sorcerers in their pogrom. In the domain [[Nidala]], Belenus worship takes a markedly different turn. Here, a powerful organized religion honors Belenus, their "one true god," in a huge and glorious cathedral. In the matriarchal society of the Shadowlands, only women can join the priesthood, and they must all make vows of chastity. Men can serve the church, but only as guardians or enforcers. Worship of any other religion is ruthlessly persecuted — as are countless other transgressions. The priestesses of Belenus all gratefully obey the edicts of their nation's great protector, the holy warrior [[Elena Faith-hold]]. //Symbol//: "Celtic"-style Golden sunburst. //Favored Weapon//: Sickle.