Differences on Rangers
Like the barbarian and druid, rangers are most at home in the wilderness. Unlike those classes, however, rangers are often welcome in civilized lands, particularly rustic communities where the wilds press close. Like druids, rangers strive to maintain an uneasy balance between nature and civilization. Where the druid protects nature from the intrusions of mankind, rangers often guard humans from nature's savagery.
In untamed lands, such as [[setting/Vorostokov]], they may hunt game to provide for their clans or scout out new territory for settling. Rangers in developed lands are usually employed as game wardens for noble estates. In [[setting/Sithicus]], elven rangers patrol the deep forests astride monstrous stag beetles, hunting evil creatures and discouraging foreign visitors. Most folk consider rangers somewhat rustic, but their skills are generally respected.
Rangers are master trackers and scouts. rangers usually adventure to eliminate dangerous beasts and other menaces from their chosen territories. Some patrol the wilds to protect or provide for their homelands. Others, particularly lycanthropes, prey on humanity, becoming more dangerous than any beast.