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City Layers

Layout of Paradi City

The city has tiers starting at the top called High Paradi, though the wealthiest in the world call it home. Mostly composed of commercial and residential buildings at the top of Paradise, the most amazing architecture and designs can be found there especially when the sun shines over the city. The roads have heating coils in them so that the snow melts in winter, with a new compound of pavement in the road and sidewalks so they’re always in perfect condition. High Paradi is truly a wonder to hold, with the best shops, best companies, and best restaurants anywhere in the world to be found there. SiCast Tower, home of SiCast Entertainment Inc, is located here in the middle of the layer.

Upper Paradi is the next layer down. The wealthy still live here, and you can still see the sun in most areas of this level, except for under the High Paradi section. There are some industrial buildings here, on the outskirts, but it’s primarily still composed of commercial and residential structures. Airports are found here including one of the biggest, Sky Blue. Upper Paradi is for the wealthy and high class, just not as lofty as the top. It’s also home to the biggest companies and NimCo is one of them.

Middle Paradi, or Mid-Paradi, is mostly the production and industry center, along with the mass of the populace. These people work hard for everything they have and most still dwell below the poverty line. This level is mostly blocked by the plate above, so the light is very low even during high noon. The big buildings block all of the ambient light for the sides of the city so closer to the middle is almost night all day long. There is heavy lighting system built into the bottom of the plate above so that the orange glow fills people’s lives day and night, where it works. This is a good thing, because the city never stops producing or working especially in the mid level. The run-off water from the heated streets above often makes its way down here, causing a smell of coppery rust to pervade this level during rainy seasons and the winter. It’s not uncommon to hear coughing from people during the winter either, as being surrounded by concrete renders this level exceptionally cold as well. No one ever truly feels safe in Mid-Paradi and police sirens are constantly heard, even if they don’t ever do anything. The people are quite beaten down and almost universally in low spirits. Mid-Paradi is the city's "ground level".

The Lower Paradi level is the core structure of the city; like any good foundation the people who live there are also the biggest necessities to the city. At least, this is the line the politicians give. The truth is that the lower level is the closest thing to hell. Like they say, shit rolls down hill, and literally in this case. The nice self-melting streets above dump all the water flows into Lower Paradi. Light is sporadic down here as the sun rarely touches any but the outskirts of this layer and the overhead light system often ends up in disarray from draining water or sabotage. People are living near-death constantly down below in the “miracle” city and those are the ones better off. People who speak of post apocalyptic worlds, how they are lawless and dangerous, have never been to Lower Paradi. Police sirens are almost never heard down here and the people are a shambling, half-dead breed more akin to tribes of survivalists than a cohesive society. Low Paradi is primarily concentrated around the city core and is spread out unevenly. Most of it is below ground level.

Little is known of Under-Paradi, and it’s not even an officially acknowledged layer, save that miles upon miles of utility conduits, ducts, reservoirs, sewer lines, and maintenance spaces run beneath the city. How deep and how extensive, no one person could ever know. And the kinds of people would live so far below the city and earth, no one wants to meet.