Differences on Vampire Traditions, The
**The Laws of Paradise City**
**The Masquerade**: Do not reveal your true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing so forfeits your claim to the Blood.
Those not of the Blood includes the Others. Reveal not the secrets of the Blood to them lest they destroy the Kindred.
Antagonize not the lupines or the wizards. Bring grievances with either to your Prince.
**Progeny**: Sire another at the peril of both yourself and your progeny. If you create a childe, the weight is your own to bear. Until released, the sins of the childe are the sins of the sire.
The creation and abandonment of [[https://rpgpad.com/c/paradi_city/setting/revenants|Revenants]] is forbidden. A Revenant shall be held to be its sire's progeny and that sire responsible for any sin the Revenant commits.
Any Revenant which assists in bringing to justice its wayward sire may find forgiveness for its transgressions.
**Amaranth**: You are forbidden from devouring the heartsblood of another of your kind. If you violate this commandment, the Beast calls to your own Blood.
Only the High Prince may permit amaranth and only by consent of a majority of the High Primogen. Those seeking amaranth for spiritual reasons may petition the High Court through their Covenant.
Any kindred with the taint of illegal Diablerie on their soul forfeits their Blood to the sun and flame.
**Elysium**: You are forbidden from hunting within three blocks of any location designated Elysium. To do so risks all the Damned and commands the offender to sleep not less than a year.
Violence at Elysium is anathema. The courts shall allow for locations for formal challenges as requested. We are all Damned; we all share the Beast and Blood. Do not tempt another's Beast to rise in Elysium lest you sleep for not less than a year.
**Destruction**: You are forbidden from slaying another kindred unless in the absolute last resort of self-defense. Death of an offender is the purview of your ruler and will not be usurped lest you take the guilty party’s place.
The High Prince and the High Primogen and Princes below him may pronounce the death sentence on their vassals. When the blood hunt is called, all must participate. To aid the offender is to suffer the offender's fate with them.