Faith Veldeski is the matriarch of her family as well as the CEO of SiCast Entertainment Inc. It's not age which has secured her role in either but wealth and ability; the favored niece of her late uncle, she inherited everything, and holds onto those reins for all she's worth.
Turns out, Faith is worth quite a bit.
Sheer money hasn't kept her in power but intellect and a keen business sense mixed with an economic ruthlessness to make the hard decisions. Faith is an extremely capable businesswoman and SiCast has become the premier company in the world under her tenure. Witty, charming, funny, she's the life of a party and a shark in the board room, devouring those in her way.
Faith Veldeski is synonymous with Paradi City. No one is unaware of who she is. No one hasn't heard of or seen her on the news. The reality shows. Lives of the Rich and Powerful, smiling like the cat who got the entire aviary. Some hate her and others want to be her. Her family built the city and she's its unofficial empress; a modern day Tzar with a globe-spanning business and private military forces at her beck and call. She's simultaneously the epitome of what a person can be in Paradi City as well as everything that's wrong with it, depending on what the editorials are saying today.