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Oath of the Moon

Old version of Oath of the Moon

The Oath of the Moon

The most common interpretations of the Oath among the Forsaken in the Paradise City area:

The Wolf Must Hunt — Urum Da Takus

The Forsaken must hunt their sacred prey - spirits escaped into the physical realm, the Hosts, and other threats to a pack’s territory.

The People do not Murder The People — Imru Nu Fir Imru

One werewolf may kill another one in Rage but murder is forbidden.

The Low Honor the High; The High Respect the Low — Sih Sehe Mak; Mak Ne Sih

Uratha society is not a democracy. It has never been one, nor can it ever be. To reject the demands of one’s station is to demonstrate a dangerous hubris.

Respect Your Prey — Ni Daha

The Oath commands the Uratha to respect all their prey, and indeed any life or spirit they might end.

Do Not Eat the Flesh of Man or Wolf — Nu Hu Uzu Eren

The Forsaken do not consume the flesh of either of their closest relatives.

The Herd Must Not Know — Nu Bath Githul

The Forsaken do not dare give humans any inkling that they exist. By extension, this means limiting the information other "supernaturals" have about Uratha, lest they exploit such knowledge. Of all the parts of the Oath this is the tenet which has left the most Uratha, wolf-blooded, and humans dead in its wake.