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Eurobusiness Machines Corporation (EBM)

Eurobusiness Machines Corporation (EBM)

Headquarters: Hamburg

Regional Offices: Paradi City, Berlin, Rome, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm, Geneva, Oslo, Helsinki, London, Tokyo, Cairo, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, New York, Hong Kong.

Major Shareholder: Dr. Rudolf Muller, Bremen, Germany, holding 20.8% of total shares.

Employees: 1,000,000 worldwide with 20,000 private security and 1,000 covert operatives.

Background: In the late 1990’s, EBM, already the largest computer and high-tech manufacturer in the world, and one of the most significant corporations in existence, pulled off the greatest free-market hostile takeover in history. Led by the master corporate raider, Dr. Kurt Muller, this maneuver caused the merger of EBM with many other prominent computer companies around the world, consolidating EBM’s already fearsome market power. Currently, Muller, and his two partners in the triumvirate, Ulf Grunwald of Munich and Sir Nathaniel Poole of London, comprise the majority vote of EBM, holding 52.1% between the three of them. Their long-term goal is to consolidate as much of the world’s high-tech manufacturing as possible under their label by any means.